Bozeman, Montana
Meadow Creek Annual Meeting Minutes 2022
Grace Bible Church meeting room, 3625 19th Avenue
6pm Call to order: 6:03 pm, quorum was met.
Board introduction: Bruce Parker, Sam Thompson, Dick Naumann, Krista Pancich, and Devon Orme.
2021 Annual Meeting minutes were unanimously approved.
HOA update/board report: Bruce gave the Board report. There were some changes to the Board over this past year. A former Board member had moved out of the neighborhood so the current Board appointed Devon Orme to his position.
Nothing significant has happened regarding the Buffalo Run development recently. Last the Board knew work was to be beginning in 2022, but nothing has happened yet.
Some maintenance was done in the storm water retention areas on the direction of the City of Bozeman. Some sort of annual maintenance will have to take place in these areas.
Concrete was replaced in the most needed areas at the ends of alley ways.
Sam did work on inventory of dead and missing boulevard trees. Homeowners are responsible for replacing their own boulevard trees. The HOA is responsible for replacing only those in the common areas. Legacy sent out notices to all of the homeowners. To date, 34 of the 64 trees had been replaced. Legacy will send out reminder notices early in the year with the link to the City forestry department as they do have a tree share program. The HOA did replace the trees in the common area this year.
It was mentioned that the land where the entrance sign is located is supposed to be maintained by the City. It was also mentioned that they really had not done anything to replace dead trees in the past, so it was probably a good thing that the HOA did it.
There are a number of streetlights out in the association. The Board did an inventory and there are 13 that are currently out. The Board is prioritizing safety to fix only the most necessary lights as the City is at some point going to take over the maintenance. Currently the vendor can get out here in March. The Board is hoping to use a lower wattage bulb.
Members express interest in the shields on the lights to help with the brightness. A few owners have purchased the shields already. Bruce believes the city will get the lights functioning over time. Members will email legacy about concerning lights that need a shield.
Advantage Landcare is the current spring/summer vendor that does all the turf maintenance and weed control in the HOA common space. Morrison is the snow removal vendor. They do only the alleys and sidewalks along the common areas. The streets are plowed by the city. Personal sidewalks are the responsibility of the owner. If anyone sees issues with sidewalks not having snow removed, it was recommended to contact the City compliance officer. Legacy will send out contacts at a later date. One owner mentioned that the vendor leaves berms in the alley loading driveways. Unfortunately, there has been a great deal of snow this season so far o some of that berming cannot be helped. Legacy will reach out to the vendor to see if anything can be done in the future to help with this issue.
Trails: The Board hopes to do a good spruce up project on the trails in 2023. The plan is to fill in areas that are low on gravel. One owner mentioned paving more trails on 30th. This is not a project on the current Board’s agenda.
Meadow Creek has a new attorney Jordan Helvie with Kasting, Kauffmann and Mersen for legal needs/knowledge. The most recent issue was a covenant violation with an owner, and it has been resolved. The Board is very happy with the new attorney, he is responsive and knowledgeable.
There is always talk of cleaning up the covenants. The current Board did not want to tackle that undertaking, but it is always a possibility for later Boards.
Design Review Board: Current members include Gerry Lang, Delaney Thompson, and Catherine Walgreen. Dave Johnston is a paid professional member that helps mainly on new home construction. Only a few vacant lots remain, most submittals are fencing and landscaping at this time. The DRB website has been taken down and all submittals are to go through Legacy Properties.
An owner asked a question regarding the three plex that has been approved. The complex will be self-managed by the developer. There were some concerns of parking in the alley. Construction is expected to take a year or more. Sidewalk snow removal is not being done by developer.
Financial Report: The following are the balances in each of the HOA accounts:
i. Operating-$30,644.93
ii. Playground-$5,298.62
iii. Savings-$83,221.32
iv. Storm Water-$20,574.92
v. Streetlight-$6,577.41
2023 budget was presented along with the year-to-date actuals for 2022. As of 11.17.2022 total income was $69,286.78, YTD expenses were 61,590.22, leaving a YTD net income of $7696.56. The 2023 budget reflects keeping the dues at the current amount of $360 annually. There were not any big changes in the annual expenses.
Board elections: Two positions are open on the Board. Bruce could not run again as he served his terms in full. Devon’s term was also up but she did opt to throw her hat in the ring. Brad Thome also sent in a biography for the Board. No other members at the meeting stepped up.
A ballot was handed out to vote on approval of the 2023 budget and the 2 Board positions.
2023 budget passed unanimously.
Devon and Brad were both elected to the Board.
Open discussion-
There was a question regarding the park along 30th. Would the HOA be able to spend some funds to make it nicer? It is full of weeds and is not irrigated except for around the playground. Sam mentioned that he will contact the City again about maintenance. Once Buffalo Run moves forward, they will be making some major improvements to the area.
A large discussion took place regarding water conservation. Ultimately, the covenants do not allow for a wholly zeroscaped or xeriscaped lawn. It was suggested that a group of interested volunteers come together to explore the possibility of amending the covenants to allow for additional landscaping options beyond turf. The board of directors will discuss a path forward at their next meeting.
Consider updating the playground using the funds in the playground reserve account.
Adjournment: 7:28pm