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Meadow Creek HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 7pm Thursday, Dec 20, 2018

Meeting Location: Hope Lutheran Church


Attendees:  President, Bruce Parker; Treasurer,Mary Schlosser; Vice-President,Reid McKinley; At-Large, Mark Koscinski and Immediate Past-President Martha Koscinski.

Scribe: Reid McKinley


Meeting opened with initial conversations about the management transition to Legacy Properties from Luna.  Thirty date notice was given to Luna in late November.  Q - Does Legacy have a web portal?  They have a website.  However, put the Meadow Creek (MC) documents on the MC website going forward.


Review of Treasurer Report. Discussed changing signers at our bank, First Security.  Operating account has $12,336 in it.  We are all right cash flow wise, no issues.


The Legacy Properties contract officially begins on 12/28/18.  Kathi and Sarah from Legacy will perform the neighborhood drive-throughs together.  There is be an increase in the lien initiation and lien release fees from Luna to Legacy.  Can Legacy work on liens started by Luna?  Yes.  Legacy charges $100 for lien initiation and $50 for lien release.  Fifty percent comes back to MC HOA, recorded as “Other Fees” revenue.  We will bring Kathi at Legacy up to speed on the current lien situation.


Discussion about getting addresses from Luna to Legacy.  Luna said they shouldn’t have a problem paying the bills through end of Dec. 

Review of snow removal contract and coverage map.  Discussed how Morrison did in the last couple snow events.  Discussed what is outside the snow removal contract. 


Discussion about street lights.  MC responsible to maintain the street lights.  We should find out directly from the city about what lumens they are OK with.  Try to keep consistent brightness. 


Discussed an alley parking issue near Haas house.  They were emailed about not parking in the alley.  They did not email back but the parking problem appears to be resolved.


Discussion about Cummins sidewalk installation.  A sidewalk is needed on the empty lot as per the Bozeman city ordinance and MC HOA Covenants.  What should we do about the Cummins letter on 11/24/18?  There is no DRB submittal yet for the construction on the Jon Cummins owned lot.  Discussed how to have Legacy write a letter to Cummins.  The work should’ve been completed in Sept 2018 as was previously planned by MCHOA and Luna; however, there were delays.  It was agreed that plans should be submitted by Jon Cummins by March 1, 2019 to the DRB.  If the plans are not submitted and approved by this date, the MCHOA will proceed with the sidewalk installation with the costs being billed to Cummins.  It was decided to wait until March since the winter weather makes sidewalk installation difficult. 


Discussion about MC storm water pond maintenance.  Kyle Mehrens from the city of Bozeman is going to do an evaluation of the MC HOA ponds and ditches.  Legacy should contact Kyle and advise him of the management change and be our contact with Kyle.  We want to implement a 3 year rotating plan to review and clean out the retention ponds or address any maintenance issues.  The drainage of the ponds is quite intricate. 


Discussed an issue raised by Ryan O’Callaghan about gravel pushed onto his grass, the common area next to the trail and the common area boulevard.  This was done by Morrison during snow removal early in the season.  Was the gravel cleaned up?


Discussed the James Feiss MCHOA receivable pay back.  He has been court-ordered to pay back the remaining $1,856.72.  The board agreed to allow him to pay back the remaining amount IN FULL by July 1, 2019.  Whatever is not paid back by then, the board will pursue a court ordered method.  The 2019 MC HOA dues will follow the regular payment schedule.  Legacy will be asked to communicate these payment requirements to James Feiss.


Discussed the Courtney King outstanding ADU parking issues.  The board previously communicated to her a compromise that she seemed to be agreeable to at the annual meeting.  However, to date, she has not submitted anything new to the DRB about these changes.  If the plans are not submitted and approved by June 1, 2019, then she will be required to pay the $1,000 fee outlined in the attorney’s letter since the parking pad issue was not resolved within the time frame outlined. 


Discussed a homeowner on Parkway (Nicholas Turner) that may be renting the ADU.  He should receive a letter about the ADU.  Also, he should finish the landscaping on the lot. Legacy to follow-up.


Discussed the Wayne Smith house construction on block 4, lot 4 on the corner of 27th Ave & Graf.  Continue to monitor the progress.  The HOA common boulevard area on 27th side as well as the storm water ditch has no irrigation.  It would be difficult and costly for MCHOA to install irrigation.  We will not be doing so.


Discussed the Babs Noelle house and ADU on Blackwood.  She wants to rent the house and the ADU.  Her mother was living in the house but has moved out.  The MCHOA covenants require that the owner live in the principle dwelling if the ADU is rented.  The City also requires that one of the residences be owner-occupied.  Legacy to contact Babs to find out what is going on.


 The homeowners of the house on the corner of 29th and Kirk (Christopher McQueary, Lara Schultz) need a Legacy letter regarding installation of a fence addition that has been installed that is not in compliance with MCHOA covenants.  It was not approved by the DRB (not submitted).  The fence is too high and constructed with non-compliant materials.  There is also ladder that has been on the side of the house that faces Kurk for a while that should be removed. 


Legacy needs to send a letter to Jennifer Jones and Matthew Metz (3288 S 26th) regarding a utility trailer on the street for 2 weeks beginning in December if it is still there.


Legacy needs to send a letter to Elizabeth Stone, 3297 S 26th Ave. regarding trucks consistently parked on the street.


There is $2,000 in the MC construction account.  Carissa and Christopher Haas on South 30th Ave. should get the construction deposit of $1,000 back since their construction is complete.


East Side Enterprise Association (ESEA) members (blocks 1, 2, 3) were assessed the $340 annual dues last year instead of the proper ESEA assessment.  Legacy needs to make sure they get the correct assessment this year.  Martha will send the correct assessment amounts to Kathi at Legacy.


Gopher exterminator is coming in March 2019 to take care of the gophers on median strip on 27th and maybe common area nearby.  However, he’s not going to exterminate on any privately-owned land. 


It was suggested that we contact the City to see if they can install more attractive water tolerant landscaping such as those on city-owned median strips (7th Avenue for example) as a follow-up with the natural grasses project between the city and MSU.


Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m. 




Meadow Creek HOA

Board Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2018



Call Meeting to Order:  7:17pm.  Present:  Martha Koscinski, Mary Schlosser, Gerry Lang & Reid McKinley, Shannon Weber – Luna Properties  Not Present:  Nate Card


Financial Review

Review of financials through Oct 15th. Review of 3213 S 26th Ave. Zbitnoff has balance on account. Board reviewed past due Accounts Receivables.  Luna will put a lien on Embry properties for non-payment.  It was noted that Martha had newsletters printed for all owners, renters and potential owners, the Notice of the Annual Meeting and the proxies for the Annual Meeting.  She also set up the domain name and domain hosting for www.meadowcreekhoa.  She was reimbursed for these expenses.


Annual Meeting- Thursday November 15th.

Board discussed the overall plan for the meeting. New this year is a plan to meet at 6:15 for social time. Luna to bring small box coffee, water and cookies. Agenda items to add:  tree landscaping on owner lots and boulevards, board election, Tanya Andreasen – Bozeman NextDoor rep. Board will email the 2017 minutes to owners and ask them to print and bring to the meeting. Luna to provide ten copies at the meeting. Martha will send a blank ballot to Luna to provide at the annual meeting for nomination.


<Executive Session>


Design Review Items

Martha will be joining the design review board. There will be three Design Review Board members again.


The tree landscaping deadline of September 1, 2018 has passed with 50% of the non-compliant owners meeting the deadline.  Discussion how to proceed with those that did not comply. The lot located on 26th and Meah - owner needs to put landscaping in on the property. Gerry will update the tree landscaping list. Discussion to send out information in the spring about how to take care of trees.


Currently there are no review fees for decks, patio or solar panels. Owners need to submit their plan to the design review board for approval prior to beginning any work. 


Discussion of design review fees for tri-plex and four-plex:  A motion was made and approved by the Board to clarify the fees.  They will continue to be $450 for single family home, with $650 for duplex. $850 for tri-plex and $1050 for four-plex added to the fee schedule.  Wording to state $450 for single family and $200 for each additional unit.


Block 4, Lot 4 at the corner of Graf & 27th Ave. South

Sidewalk on 27th and storm water ditch and boulevard is considered HOA common area.


Street Lighting

Survey sent out to owners regarding lights. The street lamps are very high so illumination is brighter. Luna to find out cost to replace the bulb from Tyler Electric in question for L.Schulz property. Find out the hue that offers a softer light.


Open Floor

Luna Property Management’s New HOA software  - discussion as to whether to send invoices via hard copy, charge owners $2 for hard copy vs guiding owners to use the portal online to pay dues vs sending out invoices. No final decision made.


Meeting Adjourned: 8:30pm






Meadow Creek HOA

Board Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2018



Call to Order:  7:02pm


Present:  Martha Koscinski, Mary Schlosser, Reid McKinley, Nate Card, Erin Cooper-Luna Properties (LP), Roger Knapton and Mark Koscinski


Review of Financials:

Financial reports and bank accounts do not match, specifically construction and playground accounts. LP to review and follow up with the board, making corrections where necessary.


Request to move dog pot expenses from other landscaping to Common Area expense. In addition, move trail maintenance to either fertilize/weed control or mowing where appropriate.


Need to review meeting room expenses with Hope Lutheran Church. LP to follow up with Dar. Need to ask about fireside room for annual meeting on 11/15/18 and if HOA can serve refreshments.


Martha to contact Kade Embry regarding past-due assessments and mowing charges on vacant lots.


Request for updated reports once corrections have been made, so that board can begin working on 2019 budget. Mary and Martha will put draft budget together to present to other Board members for discussion and approval.


Request Luna to transfer $10,000 from operating account to reserve account as required by the 2018 Budget.





Storm Water Ponds on Enterprise

Request for more information from Chris Budeski with Madison Engineering and/or Shane Dusenberry regarding the repairs made to the pond off Enterprise. Board needs more detail on how the pond is to drain so that proper repairs can be made.


Gopher Extermination

Request to ask exterminator if we can treat/poison gophers now or if we need to wait until next year. Otherwise would like to get on the schedule now for Spring 2019.


Trail Improvements/Storm Water Ditches Estimates

LP to contact Grant of Bo Trails and Ned of Earth Surgeons regarding estimates for trail and storm water ditch repairs.


Storm Drain Repairs & Retention Pond Cleanout


LP to contact City to see if the storm drain was cleaned out on S 26th on Block 9 in front of 3312 S 26th.  The Storm retention pond on the east side of Enterprise, north of the Platinum Ridge Condos is full of trees and shrubs.  It is in need of a clean out.  Luna to get estimates of the cost, preferably for this fall when the pond is driest. 


Tree Installation - Walking Path  Installation of a replacement tree on the east side of the concrete walking path north of Kurk to be completed in October. Request to not replace with ASPEN. Willow trimming was completed and looks great.


Snow Removal Bids

LP to get bids for snow removal.  Martha will put together a map of the subdivision showing common areas where snow needs to be removed. Discussion was held that the HOA should charge the owners of Block 9, Lot 13 (Kade Embry) $10 per push.


Irrigation Issues

Stay Green needs to be contacted regarding overwatering in the common area between S 27th and S 26th adjacent to 3252 S 26th, owned by Roger Knapton. The water time in that zone needs to be reduced.


Street Light Repairs

This year a total of six lights have been retro-fit. To date we are at 50% completion.




Weekly Inspections

Violations consist of weeds, overwatering, boats, trailers, campers, RVs and Chaparral Condo exterior issues - Units 1-3.  Block 13, lot 4 (dirt mound and sidewalk installation). Request to send inspection reports as soon as inspection has been completed, keeping a running inventory of infractions noted and their resolution. Contact Ryan Thurston regarding weed maintenance in yard. Ask him to forward copy of covenants to his tenants. Question as to whether new software program Luna is implementing to improve owner/board communications will post minutes, governing documents, etc.  [Appfolio does allow documents to be shared with the owners.]   When necessary to contact the Chaparral Condos, Luna should contact the tenant directly, only copying Minnick Property Mgmt on the email.


Sidewalk Installation Update

Need to hire contractor to install the sidewalk on S. 29th. Suggestion to contact Knife River. Estimate requested to spread dirt pile on Cummins lot.  Luna to follow up.


Notice to Owners Regarding Additional Trees Needed

Martha to compose notice to remind owners. Board to inspect on or around on the 9/15. Owners will be fined for non-compliance or no response.    



Annual meeting date set for Nov 15, 2018. Martha to compose notice to include board vacancies and save the date.  LP to contact Hope Lutheran for fireside room.  The Board endorsed having a social time starting at 6:15 pm, prior to the meeting start at 7:00 pm.


Post July 30th meeting minutes to the owner portal.


Send HOA Welcome Letter copy to Martha for review.


Martha to put together a MCHOA Newsletter.


ADU Discussion – Per the MC HOA Covenants, owners must live on property if they rent an ADU.  Discussion whether or not fines may be assessed for non-compliance. Martha will email attorney, Alannah Griffith.


Meeting Adjourned:  9pm



Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting 7.30.18 Minutes


Call to order: 7:11 pm, Hope Lutheran Church In attendance: (BOD) ) Martha Koscinski , Mary Schlosser, Nate Card, Gerry Lang & Reid McKinley

Also in attendance: Mark Koscinski, Steve Wiechmann, Shannon Weber (LP), Erin Cooper (LP)


Financial Report:

1. Board expressed concern regarding the lack of owners who have sent in second payment toward 2018 assessment. In the future, second installment statements should be sent when there is an open balance (after January). Only send statements in June. Luna was asked to contact owners and remind them of the need to pay the 2nd installment.


2. Schaaf account – Luna will move one $419.57 charge to her other account. Future payments will be split between the two vacant lot accounts evenly.


3. Vacant lot mowing – Graf/27th Lot couldn’t have been mowed. There is a foundation on this lot. Luna will check in with him to see if he perhaps used last year’s list of lots to be mowed. $100 charge will either be removed altogether or applied to the appropriate property. If no additional lot was mowed, HOA should receive $100 reimbursement.


4. Mary would like Luna to change how the mow/spray invoices/payments are processed so they don’t show on the Profit & Loss


5. BOD requests invoices from attorney to be separated for Meadow Creek only. Luna will get legal invoices associated with individual homeowners and add those charges to the homeowner account.


6. A homeowner was fined $500 for not reporting an ADU rental. Reminder: all rented ADUs are charged annual HOA dues. Landscaping


7. Advantage – trim willows encroaching on trails. Remove 2 dead trees: one along concrete trail and one in common area. Plant new tree along concrete walking path where one tree was removed.


8. Get estimates for repairing various areas along trail system and in some storm water ditches. Map and description of work to be given to Luna.


9. Gophers – Get an estimate to exterminate gophers in the Blackwood/27thmedian, and the common area lot on east corner of Blackwood and S. 27th.


10. Grass around the Meadow Creek sign area has been very dry lately. We discovered that the Irrigation had been turned off – it is now back on.


11. City street department – ask them to spray weeds and suckers in streets. Small trees are growing in cracks and will break up the asphalt


12. Recent letters to property owners with adequate trees or landscaping were discussed – the requirements are that each property needs to have a bed along foundation, 2 trees planted in the boulevard and 4 trees planted in the lot. Storm water ponds issues, Vacant Lot issues, Trees and HOA violations


13. Discussion was held concerning weekly inspections performed by Luna. Luna advised that a new employee has been hired to perform the inspections. Board to receive reports weekly.


14. A call was received from Marshall Bennett, the owner of a small ranch west of the storm water ponds on Enterprise. Mr. Bennett claims the ponds overflowed and damaged a portion of his hay crop. Mr. Bennett spoke with Chris Budeski of Madison Engineering. Apparently a Mr. Duseberry went over to the ponds and performed a temporary fix of a pipe that was sticking out of the pond. Luna was asked to contact Mr. Budeski and Mr. Duseberry to find out exactly what was done to the drain pipe so a permanent repair could be performed.


15. Crab grass was noticed in a lot, BOD requests Luna to send a violation letter to the property.


16. 3405 s. 28th has a utility trailer parked at the property. 28th St. also has a Lone Peak Physical Therapy Utility Trailer – Luna will send violation letters.


17. Chaparral condos are continuing to look seedy, clothes line, yard equipment, etc. Luna will contact Minnick Management, then homeowners if needed.


18. Cummins: Block 13, Lot 4 – Does not have a sidewalk and other HOA owners are complaining. Homeowner claims he will start the building process within two weeks. Luna asked to advise owner that work must start and/or sidewalk installed by September 15. Luna will also request that the city install his sidewalk by 9/15 unless construction commences. If sidewalk is not installed the HOA will have the sidewalk installed and bill the owner.


19. Because of the amount of rain we have received this year, vacant lots are in need of another mowing and weed control.


20. Notices were sent to owners who still need additional trees on their lots. The notices state trees must be planted by September 15 or owners will be fined. Some owners have responded to the notices and their concerns will be addressed. An inspection of the neighborhood will be performed in late September to ascertain who complied with the notices.


General Board meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm


An Executive Session was held concerning liens and legal action being taken against homes not in compliance with Covenants.




Meadow Creek Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes 6.19.18


Call to order: 7 pm In attendance: (BOD) Martha Koscinski , Mary Schlosser, Nate Card Also in attendance: Mark Koscinski, Shannon Weber (LP), Erin Cooper (LP) Not Present: Gerry Lang & Reid McKinley


May Meeting Minutes Were reviewed and approved as written. Procedure of approving minutes was discussed.




1. BOD would like financial reports (P&L, Balance Sheet) as of the date of the meeting for an updated status of finances.


2. ADU dues were discussed: If a property has an ADU, the homeowner owes separate dues if it is rented. LP to reach out and review ADU properties in regards to rented vs. not and apply invoice per findings (if needed).


3. A second picnic table was purchased to replace last years’ inferior table which was returned and purchase price returned, from the Playground fund


4. Attorney’s fees were reviewed and BOD asks LP to bill out any costs associated with homeowners back to the owner.


5. Balances due and liens: Statements have been sent to all delinquent homeowners. 16 new intent to lien letters were sent on properties with a balance due for 90+ days.


6. Board requests more deposit detail. Quickbooks to email out Monday’s deposit automatically. LP to check with system to make sure operating properly.


7. Re-class Trail Maintenance line item expense of $540.00 to Fertilize and Weed Control.


8. Review Schaaf account to make sure check payment split properly between both lots.




1. The Meadow Creek Park on S. 30th was mowed every week till June 15th. This mowing will now be restricted to an on call basis as per the contract. Luna will contact the City to find out the mowing schedule for the Park and then Advantage will mow/trim boulevards and area around the playground as indicated on the map.


2. The fire break was mowed in June. The next mowing will be done in August after the weeds are sprayed.


3. The mailbox area on Golden Sun needs to be on the mowing rotation. LP to contact Advantage.


4. The city is responding to the gopher problem in the 27th St. median by flushing out gopher holes in hopes to re-locate them.


5. Homeowners are reminded to check the unseen or other side of their fences for weeds and debris.


6. Open space – spraying of common area off Parkway – LP to notify owners when this area will be sprayed. Scheduled for Mon 6/25 and Tues 6/26.


7. Martha requested the results of the “Native Grasses Project” be attached to these minutes.


Weekly Inspections Inspections will now take place every week in the summer with fewer inspections in the winter months.


Trail Work Trail improvements have gone out for bid. The BOD has recommended Earth Surgeons and 46 North Landscape to perform the work. This work will be done at the soonest availability and perhaps “in pieces.”




1. There is a dead tree at the South end of the trail on Kurk that needs to be addressed.


2. Board member, Gerry Lang, will inspect & update tree plantings against 2017 tree report and provide updated list to LP so that notice may be sent to those that are not in compliance with the tree requirement of 4 per lot, plus boulevard trees. Once Luna receives that list, they will check old emails to see if any owners were given a variance or additional time to complete the tree plantings.


Vacant Lots


1. Kris Thorson will mow empty lots in June. He has shared his schedule with Luna Properties. There has been delay due to weather.


2. Lot 6 Block 10 has knocked down the dirt pile on the lot, it now needs to be mowed. Kris will mow it if it hasn’t been done by the time he gets to it.


3. Jon Cummings’ lot needs to have the sidewalk installed. LP will contact him. Luna to contact the City of Bozeman about this, too, as they may have a code compliance officer cite the owner. The Board believes a deadline of 9/1/18 to finish this project is reasonable.


Fall Clean-Up/BBQ 1. This discussion has been tabled till next month’s meeting. An ad-hoc committee is needed to organize this.


Open Discussion 1. Two non-functioning street lights on Kurk/29th & 30th are slated to be retro fit to be LED compatible.


2. LP to contact Chaparral Condos regarding exterior upkeep – Minnick manages. Visible clothes line, front door repairs and general clutter.


3. Discussion to send email blast regarding Cottonwood/Stucky closing.


4. Nick Turner For Rent Sign – LP to inquire whether renting home or ADU.


5. Martha requests updated homeowner email list.


Adjourned at 8:15 pm


Next meeting: Monday, July 30th – 7pm



Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 5.7.2018


Call to order: 7:00pm


In attendance: Board Members - Martha Koscinski, Nate Card, Gerry Lang, Reid McKinley; Homeowner - Mark Koscinski, Steve Wiechmann, Bill Erickson, Luna Properties - Shannon Weber and Baily Goodwine.


Financials were reviewed. Balances of the accounts look straightened out. Luna to transfer $525.00 from street light account to Operating account to cover the check written to Tyler Electric for work on the street lights from the Operating Account. There was a brief discussion regarding interest on late assessments, fines for violations and liens placed on properties.


Design Review Board: The Board voted to amend how fees received for reviews will be handled. $450 house review fees will be deposited into the Operating Account. Dave Johnston is paid $250 per review and the balance of $200 is then transferred into the Playground Account. The $50 fee for landscaping and/or fence reviews will be deposited into the Operating Account. Dave Johnston is paid $25 per review and the balance will remain in the Operating Account to cover Dave’s fee. $50 is paid to Dave Johnston when he performs a final review of a completed house.


Board asked Luna to send out a Spring update email. Martha will draft the update and Luna will distribute.


Playground Report: Steve Wiechmann presented the Parks & Playground Committee Project Proposal. Proposal is attached to these minutes for reference. Board approved the purchase of a picnic table and installation of woodchips for $1,045.00. It also approved the expenditure of $375 for trees. Trees are being purchased from and installed by the City of Bozeman Forestry Division. They will be planted around the playground equipment to afford much needed shade. Irrigation (drip lines) were installed last fall. Steve will coordinate these projects and will pick up checks from Luna.


Landscaping/Irrigation for 2018. The Board discussed how the owners should be advised when Advantage Landscaping is going to spray the trails or common areas.


Meadow Creek Park is being mowed by Advantage every other week through June.


Board discussed how cost share trees in boulevard are available if they want to do it. Martha proposed that $300 from the improvements budget be spent on trees using the cost share program. Landscape Committee will take charge of this.


Reminder that Cashman’s is coming mid-May to do the landscaping at the entry feature sign. Luna to make sure the irrigation is up and running before this takes place.


Trail Damage: Luna to contact owners who damaged trail and tell them to repair the trial immediately. Remind them that the HOA spent a lot of money on the trails last year and they need to be restored to state they were in prior to homeowner’s construction.


Mark Koscinski cleaned out a clogged storm water drain in a storm water pond on Block 1. This is an area that may need attention in the future.


Luna to send out notices about unsightly piles of dirt being removed from vacant lots. Martha provided a list of the lots with piles of dirt and debris on them.


There are two dog waste stations in the common area where the lids are damaged. Martha will purchase new ones and install them.


There are areas of the trail system that need work. Martha will put together a map and Luna will get bids. The idea is not to repair entire trails, but just the areas that need attention at this time.


Discussion was held regarding missing sidewalk on Block 13, Lot 4. Luna contacted owner and City but hasn’t heard anything from either.


Martha was in contact with the City and Tracey Dougher at MSU regarding the “Native Grasses Project” on S. 27th. She was advised that they are compiling the results and will plant the grasses that are best suited for those medians.


A streetlight on the corner of S. 30th is out and one on the east corner of S. 29th and Kurk is going out from time to time. It was decided to have Tyler Electric repair them. The repair bill should be paid out of the Street Light Account.


Spring Clean Up. Because of scheduling conflicts and, also due to the fact that some home owners (Mark Koscinski and Gaye Hamilton) are picking up trash throughout the subdivision, it was decided to cancel the spring clean up and try to hold a fall clean up, with possibly a neighborhood BBQ. A notice will be sent out to owners.


Meadow Creek website. Martha is continuing to work on Meadow Creek website.


Next Board meeting – June 19th; 7PM at Hope Lutheran Church Meeting adjourned: 8:50pm



Board of Directors Meeting -- March 6, 2018


Call to order: 7:00pm


In attendance: Board Members - Martha Koscinski, Mary Schlosser, Nate Card, Gerry Lang; Homeowner - Mark Koscinski, Luna Properties - Shannon Weber and Baily Goodwine.


Financials were reviewed by Mary. Luna to re-class insurance payments into broken out line items as shown on the Profit and Loss Budget Performance report. Luna to transfer $250 from the playground account into the operating account. Luna also to transfer $2500 from the Operating Account into the Storm Water Reserve account and $500 from the Operating Account into the Street Light Reserve Account for Meadow Creek’s 2018 Budget Obligation . All funds for 2018 should have been received for the storm water and street light accounts from ESEA members. Martha is going to check if funds have been received for Block 3. If not, she will check with Greg Allen about it.


ADU: Board would like Luna to label the ADU lots in Quickbooks and track accordingly. *these changes were made prior to the meeting.


Lot 4 Block 4: DRB has approved the house plan. It is not clear if the owner of Block 4, Lot 4 is still interested in absorbing the common area into that lot. Martha will reach out to owner.


Landscaping Bids: Board reviewed bids from Red Dog, Advantage and Green Jeans. Approved using Advantage for 2018 landscape maintenance. Luna to contact Advantage and get a quote for mowing the park (x4 pushes).


Tree Lottery: Martha presented the Lott O’ Trees program to the Board and discussed applying for the lottery program. These trees could be used to replace the ones that died in the boulevard Graf or Enterprise near the sign area. Martha will apply and see what happens.


Website: Tabled until next meeting.


Covenant Review: Martha is continuing to work on this.


Playground report: Nothing to report.


Luna to contact attorney regarding the possibility of sending a foreclosure letter to a homeowner who is extremely delinquent in HOA assessment payments.


Board would like to move the Earth Day clean up to later in the year. Make it a spring cleanup instead, perhaps in May or later. Nate will contact the City to see if Board can change the date to later in the year.


Next Board meeting-May 7th, 7pm.


Meeting adjourned: 8:00


Board of Directors Meeting --  January 16, 2018


Call to order: 7:00pm 

In attendance: Martha Kocinski, Mary Schlosser, Nate Card, Gerry Lang, Reid McKinley, Mark Kocinski, and Kathi Thorson(lp). 

Financials were reviewed by Mary.  Martha and Mary worked on getting the year end books cleaned up.  Some items need to be recoded, some money needed to be transferred into accounts so balances were accurate.  For the new members on the Board, Mary explained that the HOA files an informational tax return only, taxes are not paid.  Invoices were sent out the last week of December.  There were some questions on the amounts spent on sprinkler maintenance and snow removal.  Luna can forward those account details to the Board.  *Details sent. There is also a random $210 under miscellaneous maintenance. *It was dog pot maintenance that is usually coded under common area maintenance. 

Define Storm Water/Streetlight Maintenance Reserve Accounts:  The intent of these accounts if for large repairs and maintenance of these areas such as light bulb replacement.  Ordinary on-going expenses such as power bills for the lights shall not come out of these accounts.   The ESEA also pays a portion of the budgeted amount to the accounts. 

ADU-Board would like Luna to send out a reminder note to the 2 homes that are building ADU’s at this time that if they choose to rent out the units, dues will also be assessed for that ADU. *Letters sent 

Lot 4 Block 4, on the corner of 27th Ave. S & Graf:  This lot is next to a designated storm water / common area for the HOA.  Plans that have been submitted show the owner landscaping and placing a sidewalk over the area.  The front is also facing 27th street.

The city required that common space/storm water area so they would have to sign off of anything that was decided.  The Board would be ok with the owner taking over the piece of land; it would be one less area that needed landscaping or maintenance.  To do so it would need to go to a vote at a special meeting with quorum in attendance in person or by proxy.  Board feels that the owner of the lot should do all the legwork. 

Snow removal: Morrison is the new vendor this season.  There have defiantly been some kinks to work out.  It seems as if his crew goes fairly fast down the sidewalks so snow is not getting thoroughly removed.  Reid has met with the foreman onsite to go over areas being missed.  Gerry’s alley after the last storm didn’t get done as well as before.  It could have been because of the extreme amount and it was very wet.

Sometimes in order to get the snow moved the plow truck needs to move quite fast. Luna will reach out to the vendor again. *Email sent. 

Landscaping Needs 2018: Martha presented a highlighted map indicating the areas that need to be maintained.  Green areas are to be mowed every week-those are the irrigated areas.  Red areas are not irrigated so most likely would be mowed every other week depending on the amount of rain.  Meadowcreek Park is supposed to be mowed by the city, but the HOA does supplement the mowing and trimming.  Luna is in the process of gathering bids for a summer vendor.  Martha will drop off a copy of the map to send out to vendors. 

Projects 2018: Trails-Board would like to wait until all construction is complete before doing any more trail work.   Boulevard tree vouchers are available through the city. Luna will contact the city person to get on the list. *Email request has been sent. 

Reid thought it may be nice to have a “best yard” contest or “best holiday decoration” contest.  He and others felt it would be nice to have more community/social gatherings to help bring the community together.  The Board suggested they could send out a survey to ask for any other ideas for gatherings and community involvement. 

Covenant Review:  The current documents are confusing and contradicting.  There was a committee set up a few years ago, but once the lawsuit started it was put on the back burner.  Board would like to have a committee look for all the inconsistencies. It was suggested to first, have the Board review, then send on to the HOA attorney for review. They can then look at more detailed covenants to define better such as parking. 

Website: Currently the HOA has an owner portal (at that owners can log into and make payments, check account balances, see HOA documents, and look at any meetings or events scheduled.  There is also a design review website ( for any kind of design submittals.  Martha worked on creating a simple website.  It would only cost $14 per month.  She included pictures, history, documents.  It could also have a link for the portal and design review submittals.

Martha would like the other Board members to review and critique the site.  Reid offered to help marinating the site.

Playground report:  Nothing new to report.   The HOA is still waiting on the refund for the defective picnic table. *refund was received. 

Next Board meeting-March 6th, 7pm. 

Meeting adjourned: 8:55 


Board of Directors Meeting -- 11.06.2017


Call to order: 7:00pm


In attendance: Martha Koscinski, Steve Wiechmann, Mary Schlosser, Bill Erickson, Nate Card, Mark Koscinski, and Kathi Thorson (lp)


Financials were reviewed.  There was discussion that the playground account should fund the design review website fees since the design review fees go into that account.  The Board felt they could revisit this the following year.


2018 budget was presented by Mary.  It was recommended to increase the dues to $340.  There is some carry over balance that can be used to cover 2018 expenses.  Mary would like the ultimate goal of the HOA to use true costs to determine the future assessments, not use any carry over funds.   There is a line item in the budget for $7000 in common area improvements.  The Board would like to allow 2 installments for payments of the dues.  End of January and end of July.  The budget as proposed was unanimously approved.


The amendment to remove blocks 1, 2, and 3 was filed on 9.28.2017.  The order to dismiss the lawsuit was signed on 10.4.2017.


Entrance sign-The final plantings will be done in the spring of 2018.  Cashman’s did the work.  The cost was within the budget for the project.  $4279.55-this does include the plantings to be done in the spring.


Projects-Trail repairs, storm water ditches could use some work, corner of 27th and Graf, corner off alley behind Golden Sun, boulevard tree replacements, tree and bush pruning.  The City is supposed to prune the trees on the boulevards.


Snow-Morrison Design and Landscaping will be doing the snow removal for 2017-18.  Martha had a highlighted map that Luna can share with Morrison.  May take a few storms to get the kinks out.  There are a lot of different little areas to cover.


Street lights-There are 2 street lights out.  Corner of 28th and Kurk; corner of 27th and Blackwood.  This will be paid for out of the street light maintenance account. There are currently 44 large street lights in the subdivision and 8 small trail lights.  There have been 15 lights replaced so far. 


Design review board- Discussion was held regarding a parking space in the rear yard of 2964 Meah.  The Board will consult an attorney regarding this.


3266 S. 26th had a patio installed and damage was done to the common area trail.  The owner did say the contractor did make some repairs.  The Board feels that the trail is still not back to the original condition.  The Board would like a notice sent to the owner that the they have until June 1st to rehab the trail or he will be fined the actual cost to repair +10%.  It is estimated at about 120’ but an actual measurement will need to be done.

Work done without approval- There seems to of been an influx of changes being done in yards without approval.  Board agreed that double the submission fee would be a good fine.


There is a new house being built on S. 30th.  They have dumpsters and equipment parked on both sides of the street.  Luna will contact them and ask that it all be placed on one side for ease of traffic flow.


Playground-The sprinklers are in.  The trees will be planted in the spring.  The picnic table was defective so Steve did request some replacement parts.


Annual Meeting- The Fireside room is reserved at the church.  7pm Nov 16th. This will be Steve Weichmann and Bill Erickson’s last meeting as a member of the Board.  THANK YOU BILL AND STEVE!


Open-Bill would like to see a better spray contractor tackle the Canadian thistle next year.


Meeting adjourned: 8:17


Board of Directors Meeting - 9.18.2017


Before the Board meeting, Martha, Mary, Bill, Nate, Steve, and Kathi (lp) met onsite at James Jacob’s property, 3361 S. 28th. Mr. Jacobs was appealing violation letters that have been sent to him regarding his lawn maintenance. Lawn is full of dandelions and most of the landscaping is overgrown. Mr. Jacobs felt the lawn and landscape were very appealing so wanted to meet with the Board to go over what needed to be changed. From the meeting, it was agreed between both parties, that Mr. Jacobs would work on getting rid of the dandelions by applying a weed treatment, trim back all the overgrown shrubs and landscaping, remove the grass around the tree in the boulevard, remove the “natural” element in the middle of the front yard on the right side of the sidewalk, compost pile in the back of the home needs to be removed, landscape needs to be kept trimmed as to not infringe on the neighboring properties. Dandelion and weeds need to see marked improvement by spring of 2018. All other trimming and pruning needs to be done by November 1st, 2017. The Board appreciates all the hardscape that is installed, but it would be nice to see it. Luna will send out a follow up letter to Mr. Jacobs to clarify what was discussed at the onsite meeting.


Call to order: 7:00 In attendance: Martha Koscinski, Steve Wiechmann, Mary Schlosser, Bill Erickson, Nate Card, and Kathi Cowdrey (lp)




Mary reviewed the financials. The HOA is over budget in the landscape/lawn care line item. This is most likely due to the additional mowings requested by the Board that were not foreseen when the original contract was put in place. The website line item is also over budget as well as the irrigation budget. The Board discussed having the money received for the fence and landscape reviews help to cover the cost of the Meadow Creek Park and playground mowing. Board agreed to keep the website one more year then revisit the idea of getting rid of it as the HOA is playing over $1200 per year to maintain it. Most of the new construction is done (there are currently 9 vacant lots left) so there would really only be fence and landscape reviews remaining. Those can be easily done by emails directly to the design review board. The settlement of the lawsuit filed against the HOA means the Contingent receivables from the now non-HOA properties have been removed from the aging summary and balance sheet. They are now located at the bottom of the 2017 profit and loss as an “Other Income and Loss” transaction. The Aged Accounts Receivable summary was reviewed. Currently, there are 5 ADU’s paying annual dues with 2 additional homes with ADUs under construction. 2018 budget draft will be sent to Mary and Martha to fine tune, and then they will present it to the rest of the Board to approve.


Lawsuit: The Flats, Talbach House, and Block 3 still need to file their ESEA documents with the county. Luna and Board will follow up to be certain this last step is completed regarding the settlement of the lawsuit.


Projects: The Golden Sun and South 27th projects are under way. The areas around the sidewalks needed to be regraded and dressed up after the concrete sidewalks were installed.


The Meadow Creek sign project is underway; Cashman’s has been contracted to do the work. Mark Koscinski and Bill Erickson will work on getting the water weeds removed.


The erosion on the trail has been brought to Solstice’s attention and Luna is waiting to hear back if they will do any warranty work on the area. *Solstice said they would not fix it since it was due to a large water fall that is out of his control.


Trail weed spraying was looked at by Advantage Spraying; Luna will check and see if they completed it. Canadian thistle seems to be abundant this year, Bill stated the best time to spray for that is in the spring.


Landscape needs 2018: Steve put together a new landscape/mow schedule for 2018. Some more adjustments need to be made-determining which areas need weekly vs not weekly mowing. Steve will correct and send out an updated version.


The common area in on the corner in the alley off of Golden Sun needs to be finished out. Luna will contact Morrison Landscaping for a bid. Board would like to see larger rock put in there so it does not look like a parking pad.


Snow Removal: Board will put the snow removal contract out for bid. Bill suggested Blue Ribbon Landscaping.


Violations: Tree/landscape letters that were sent out earlier in the season regarding missing trees and landscaping had a good reception. Many owners have complied or given Luna their timeline to comply. Luna will send out follow up letters to those that did not respond. Board will be emailed the violation lists.


DRB Issues and Concerns: 2964 Meah has a gravel parking pad in the alley of the home. Owner submitted the approved house plan with the pad on there. Technically, the covenants do not allow for parking in back or side yards. Board will look into it further.


3478 S. 30th has a concrete driveway and parking pad laid out that does not fit within the covenants. The design review committee has reached out to the owner and they are awaiting a reply.   A performance deposit was paid by this lot.


3390 Parkway was given until October to complete the exterior of his home.


There seemed to be an issue with debris dumping in open space and adjacent fields by other contractors. They were contacted.


Playground: Steve updated the Board on the playground happenings. It looks as if the irrigation may be pushed until spring of 2018. When it is installed it will be nice to have the system set up to be able to add more zones if needed in the future. The picnic table has been put in place.


Newcomers: New owners receive welcome letters from Luna indicating dues amounts, basic covenants, and who to contact. A welcome newsletter is also sent out with more detailed covenant information. These are sent out upon received deed paperwork from title companies. If Luna does not receive a deed, and are notified of a new owner, they can look up the deed on the County website.


Annual Meeting Date: Nov 16th, 7pm. Bill, Mary, and Steve’s terms are up for election. Bill has served two terms and is ineligible to run. Luna will send out a save the date and ask for interested members for the Board.


Next Board Meeting Date: Nov 6th 7pm


Meeting adjourned: 8:50

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