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Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom

Call to order: 5:29pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, David Parker, Ralph Sweet, Matt Hausauer, and Kathi Thorson (lp).

October Board meeting minutes were approved.

Annual Meeting: The 2020 Annual Meeting went well. The 2021 budget passed, and Bruce and Matt were elected to the Board.

Board Officers: Bruce was appointed as President, Ralph was appointed as Vice President, David was appointed as secretary, Steve was appointed as treasurer, and Matt was appointed as member at large. *In an email dated December 18, 2020, Ralph did resign from the Board. The remaining Board members will work on appointing a replacement.

Priorities for 2021: The Board would like to focus on getting a committee together to start looking at reviewing and updating the covenants. David will take the lead. An email will be sent out for other interested members. Laura Miles had indicated some interest. Retention ponds will also need to be revisited. The latest report from the City did give some guidelines for bringing all the areas up to City standards.

2690 S 27th: Bruce and Dave have met with Wayne Smith a few times. It was determined that most of the fines would be removed since he did install the sidewalk and landscaping in the common area. $1000 in fines will remain on the account until the house is repainted within 2 years an approved color. Once repainted the final $1000 will be removed. HOA does agree to do the snow removal on the sidewalk. Board would like to move forward with a joint use agreement between the HOA and Wayne for future maintenance of the area that ideally would stay with the property and transfer to future owners of the property. The Board approved moving forward with the HOA attorney to draft up this agreement. The common area is still under Ryan Macintosh’s name. The HOA will need to work with Ryan to get that transferred into Meadow Creeks name.

3390 Parkway Ave: This resident has yet to turn in a plan for the trash enclosure that was built on their property. The Board and DRB have asked to have a plan submitted, with no fees due, in order to have a proper record for the structure. It also looks as if there is no longer a tenant in the main house. Board would like to move forward with the HOA attorney writing the owner a letter regarding the trash enclosure and to reiterate the ADU rules in the HOA.

Buffalo Run: A development is planned to the west of Meadow Creek. The City has indicated that they plan to have the open/park space for the new development to abut the Meadow Creek park on 30th. Developer has currently proposed the property to be annexed into the City with an R5 designation. The Board agrees that when the time is closer to approach the City with the want of the HOA to have a basketball court installed in that area. Board will also plan to send out email notices regarding any meetings the City may have regarding Buffalo Run.

Committees: Board would like an email to be sent out requesting volunteers for the welcome committee, DRB, and covenant review/rewrite committee. Board would like interested owners to reply by January 15th.

Next Meeting: March 9th at 5:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned: 6:31 pm










Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes


Zoom Call | 5:30pm


Call to order: 5:30pm


In attendance: Bruce Parker, Ralph Sweet, Dave Parker, Martha Koscinski, Mark Koscinski, Steve Krezminski, and Kathi Thorson (lp)


Minutes from the 9.15.2020 Board meeting were unanimously approved.


Financials were reviewed and approved.  Currently there is a total of $124,255.38 in checking and savings.  Total income from January through September is $69,550.34.  Total expenses are $47,815.36.  Net income of $21,734.98. 


Welcome Committee: Steve is still in the process of planning.  They would like to wait until the 2021 budget is approved with funds set aside for the welcome committee.


Design Review:


                2690 S 27th-There is still an issue with the paint color.  The owner states it was what was submitted and approved.  The color when looking at it on a computer does not match what the house is painted.  This sample from the email was held up to the house and it does not look the same.  The actual sample does match what was applied to the house. The DRC may communicate to the owner that a 2nd coat of paint may be necessary.  Otherwise the landscape and the exterior seem to be complete.  At some point the HOA will have to meet with the owner to talk about the maintenance of the HOA common space that is in the area around the corner of Graf and 27th.


                3390 Parkway-The residents in the main house appears to be moving out.  ADU dues have yet to be paid on this home. Bruce has not reached out to him at this time.


                3494 S 30th-This resident has submitted a variance to install a vinyl fence.  According to the current design guidelines, vinyl fences are not allowed.  There have been several fences in the neighborhood that are not exactly as the design regulations allow.  Wood with wire is not an allowed fence.  These have been allowed because they have remained in unison with the solid wood fences.  The Board discussed the pros and cons to allowing a vinyl fence.  This would be the first vinyl fence in the neighborhood, it would not abut any other property’s fence, it would be easier to maintain unlike a number of the wood fences in the neighborhood.  The material submitted does look like a wood grain.  A number of other variances have been granted location of fences, driveway width, and metal fences.  The Board unanimously approved the variance.


Trash Cans: The Board discussed how strict they would like to continue to be regarding the trash cans being left out the night before trash day.  The number has about cut in half.  There is still quite a bit of push back.  The Board decided that they would talk about it at the Annual meeting and determine where most of the owners stand on the issue.


Air BnB: This is still listed.  A certified letter with a fine has been sent to the address.


Annual Meeting: Annual meeting packet will include agenda, budget, ballot, proxy, annual review, and board bios.  Meeting will be done by zoom.  Legacy will use the poll option to vote on the budget and the Board.  November 19th at 7pm.  Bruce will do an introduction and do a quick review, Steve will talk about the welcome committee, Ralph will talk about the trash cans, Legacy will go over financials, Mark will talk on the retention ponds, and David will go over the membership survey.


Open Floor: We have still not received any sort of letter from the City regarding no boulevard trees on the west side of 29th.  The city has indicated that they have no plans to remove any more downed trees in the cottonwood median.  There are still some trees down by the pond, the vendor claims they had cleaned up what they say, Mark will be happy to meet them onsite.  There is a streetlight out on 27th near the corner of Graf.


Meeting adjourned: 6:46pm





Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Zoom Call | 5:30pm


Call to order: 5:30pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Ralph Sweet, Dave Parker, Martha Koscinski, Mark Koscinski Steve, and Kathi Thorson (lp)
Minutes from the 7.27.2020 Board meeting were unanimously approved.

Financials were reviewed and approved. Currently there is a total of $124, 803.98 in checking and savings. Total income from January through August is $68,762.79. Total expenses are $38,922.02. Net income of $29,840.77.

Welcome Committee: Steve Krezminski and Lara Schulz have both volunteered to tackle the welcome committee. They plan to meet soon to develop an outline for a welcome package. They will share it with the Board once a template is determined. They would like to be able to offer some sort of small gift. Board is ok with a $200/yr limit within the budget. Currently a welcome letter is sent out by Legacy that includes basic contact information for the HOA, dues amounts, and basic covenants.

Design Review:

2690 S 27th-Bruce did talk to him personally. Progress has stepped up once owner was aware of the fines being implemented. There is still a question regarding the color. Owner states they can prove it was the same color that was submitted and approved. Design review will ask him for the paint sample. Sidewalks are in progress of being installed along 27th. Bruce will talk with him again.

3390 Parkway-Owner has not reached back out to the Board again. Nothing has been submitted for the trash encloser and dues have not been paid for the ADU. Advertising for the rental of the main home was able to be located on a rental site. Voter registration records were also located showing a John Francis Rogers as the resident in the main house and Nicolas Turner in “apartment A”. An owner cannot rent out the main home and live in the ADU per the covenants. Legacy will send out a violation notice.

3306 S 29th-City building permits for the windows were located. A permit was not found for the addition of the man door. DRB is still waiting for a submittal for the privacy wall that is in the back yard. All other items have been submitted and fees have been paid.

Trash Cans:


The Board recently decided that they would like to start to enforce the trash cans being set out the night before collections. The covenants do state that this is not allowed. Legacy has received some push back and negative posts were put on the Meadow Creek Facebook page. Steve and David would like to take a look at the letter being used and will suggest some edits to soften it up. Board would also like to use emails when possible.
Alley: Resealing project is complete, and Apex did a great job. This is something that most likely needs to be done every 5 years or so.

Political Signs:


There is verbiage in the covenants regarding signs in yards, but legally political signs cannot be prohibited. Board determined that they would implement a policy for political signage. It was unanimously approved to move forward with a policy that states: Signs can be no larger than 18”x24” and must be taken down the day after the election. Signs cannot be put up earlier than 60 days prior to the election. No more than one sign per candidate.
Membership Survey: David has not had time to go through all the open-ended responses. 74% of the owners that answered were in support of a basketball court. 48% would still be in favor even if they were assessed some sort of fee. There are plans for a new subdivision to the west and the City is hoping to join their park area with the current park on 30th. City will reach out to Meadow Creek when they are closer to the planning stage for the new subdivision.

Air BnB:

3333 S. 27th is advertising the use of their home for an air bnb. A notice has been sent with no response. Board would like a letter sent certified to the residence.

Retention pond:


There still seems to be 3 trees down in that area. Legacy had sent out a vendor, will check with them again.
Annual Meeting: Board would like to do a zoom call for the meeting. November 19th at 7pm. Bruce Parker and Mark Kocsinski’s terms are up. Bruce is willing to run for another term, Mark is not going to run again. Notice will need to be sent out to request Board interest. Meeting notice will be sent out October 19th with a ballot for the Board and for the 2021. Agenda will also be sent out.

Open Floor: We have still not received any sort of letter from the City regarding no boulevard trees on the west side of 29th. Also, have not heard anything about the cottonwood clean up in the median.

Next Board meeting: October 13th





Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Bruce Parker's Residence
Call to order: 5:30pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Ralph Sweet, Dave Parker, Mark Koscinski, Martha Koscinski and Kathi Thorson (lp)
Minutes from the 5.28.2020 Board meeting were unanimously approved.

Financials were reviewed and approved. Currently there is a total of $141,379.29 in checking and savings. Total income from January through July is $66,304.49. Total expenses are $35,578.73. Net income of $30,725.76. There are 7 lots with liens for non-payment of dues. 9 lots still owe 2nd half 2020 dues. Board would like to move all design review fees to the general operating account.

Board Interest- Board met with 3 interested community members to interview for the vacant position left by Tobie Laskowski. Ethan Ellis, Lara Schultz, and Steve Krezminski. All 3 candidates are fairly new to the community and would like to be more involved. Each candidate spoke about what they would like to see happen with the Meadow Creek HOA and what they could bring to the table. The Board thanked them for attending and they were excused. After the candidates left there was discussion about each candidate, and it was m/s/a to appoint Steve Krezmisnki as the newest Board member.

2690 S 27th-Progress is still slowly being made. Fines have been accumulating on their account. The color is still not the approved color. Owner has been talking to the City of Bozeman regarding the storm drainage area that is in the boulevard next to their property.

Walk Around-Bruce and Mark walked the HOA with Kathi and Jason Hauge from Legacy. Several dead bushes and trees were marked down. Legacy will contact the City regarding the trees that are in the boulevard and get bids for the other items that are in general HOA common space. Mark also noted an area of the trail that is not getting mowed from South 29th to South 30th. It was noted that boulevards on the west side of 29th are not allowed to have boulevard trees due to a utility easement with the City.
Covenant Compliance-Drive throughs are done every 2 weeks. Yards are starting to dry out. Chaparral Condos did let Legacy know that the owners would be taking care of the deferred maintenance themselves. *Emails were exchanged after this Board meeting to start sending notices to residents that have their trash cans out the night before. A mass email was sent out to all owners reminding them of this covenant. Board members will send Legacy a list of the violators so notices can be sent out. First week of letters was 8.24.2020.

Pond Trees-Legacy is aware that there are 3 trees down by the pond area on 30th. A vendor has been hired and will be out there within a couple weeks to remove them.

S 29th Median-The City went in to cut down some dead branches but did not clean up the area. All the debris was left. Board feels it looks terrible. Legacy has reached out to the Forestry department regarding getting the debris removed. *Forestry replied and stated they would not do anything. Board drafted and sent a formal letter requesting the area be cleaned up to the Forestry Department, Mayor, and City Commission on 8.17.2020.

Nicholas Turner-Mr. Turner was receiving notices regarding a trash can enclosure that was built and not submitted for review and for renting out either his ADU or home and not paying the extra dues amount as required by the HOA documents. The Board does have reason to believe that Mr. Turner is living in his ADU which also is not allowed per the HOA covenants. The Board would just like Mr. Turner to submit his trash can enclosure to the design review committee, no fees required, so they have a formal submittal and formal approval. Mr. Turner is refusing to do so. He feels that other residents in the HOA have not submitted items for approval. He questioned the validity of hiring Legacy Properties. The Board did let him know that having an HOA manager if very typical and allowed according to the bylaws. Mr. Turner did not feel his apartment above his garage is a real ADU as compared to the City of Bozeman’s definition. The Meadow Creek covenants were quoted, and they are noticeably clear as to the definition of what an ADU can be in MCHOA. The additional ADU fee is included in the bylaws. Mr. Turner does not feel that bylaws can govern fees. It was clear that a compromise was not going to happen between Mr. Turner and the HOA. It was recommended to Mr. Turner to hire an attorney. *HOA attorney has been briefed on the situation as of July 28th.

Meeting adjourned: 7:09pm


Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Meeting via Zoom conference call


Call to order: 5:33pm


In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mark Koscinski, Ralph Sweet, David Parker, Tobie Laskowski, Martha Koscinski and Kathi Thorson (lp) Meeting was done via conference call.


Meeting minutes from the 3.31.2020 meeting were approved.


Financials were reviewed and approved.  Currently there is a total of $155,212.29 in checking and savings.  Total income from January through May is $71,007.97.  Total expenses are $18,061.51.  Net income of $52,946.46.


2690 S. 27th- Resident, Frances McCutcheon attended via zoom to voice concerns regarding the non-completion of the home at 2690 S 27th.  The Board did assure her that the owner had been reached out to several times and was getting fined for non-compliance of following the construction timeline.  The Board unanimously approved to increase the fines starting on June 15th to $200 for 2 weeks, then double fines every 2 weeks after.  Weekly fining will occur until the exterior and landscaping are complete. *Letter has been sent.


3390 Parkway- It looks as if the owner is building some sort of enclosure for the trash cans.  Currently it is sitting in the driveway.  This type of addition needs to go through the design review committee.  Legacy will send a letter to the owner telling him that he will need to submit his plan for approval through the website. *Letter has been sent.


Alleys-It was suggested by a resident that something be done regarding the speeding down the alleys.  Signs and speed bumps were options discussed.  Board approved sending out an email telling residents to slow down in the neighborhood, particularly in the alleys with a reminder that children and pets are out and about. *Notice was sent.


Lighting- The City is still working on taking over the lighting district out in Meadow Creek.  There was a request for putting up some sort of light shield on a light that is shining into a home.  The Board feels this is something the City can address once they take over control of the district.  One Board member wanted to remind everyone that the lights are there for neighborhood safety.


3306 S. 29th- This home has made a number of changes without submitting anything to the design review committee for approval.  A window, a door, a fence change, privacy wall on the porch, and a rock wall in the back yard. Board would like a notice sent to the owners regarding all of these non-approved changes and tell them to submit everything for approval through the design review site.  Board would also like to fine them for not submitting.  They will also be required to pay any design review fees.


Open floor-


The City would like to do some work in the Cottonwood median and had asked that we remove some items that have been placed in that area.  A picnic table, bike track, etc.  Alex Nordquest had spoken with Mark regarding the median and threatened to fine the HOA if the items were not removed.  The Board feels this is not an HOA issue at all, but an individual issue.  Legacy will send out an email letting owners know that items need to be removed asap. *Notice sent.


Currently there are 7 boulevard trees on South 29th that are dead.  The City will send someone out to assess.


There was talk of an owner in the HOA that was going to request to install a white vinyl fence.  This is not allowed per the covenants.  After some discussion, the Board agreed that they would not grant a variance for a white vinyl fence. 


Board would like notices sent to all the owners that need to do some maintenance on their fences. *Legacy will make list on next drive thru.


Chapparel Condos need some exterior maintenance.  Legacy has reached out to them in the past and was told that they did not have any money to do any repairs.  The gables need to be repainted and there is a door on 27th that is very shabby.  Board would like a notice sent and a deadline of June 30th to address the issues or they will be fined. *Notice sent to manager and all individual units.


Next Board meeting: 7.27.2020 at 5:30pm.


Meeting adjourned: 7:01pm




Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes



Call to order: 5:33pm


In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mark Koscinski, Ralph Sweet, David Parker, Tobie Laskowski, Martha Koscinski and Kathi Thorson (lp)  Meeting was done via conference call.


Board meeting minutes from January 2020 were approved. 


Financial report: Kathi reviewed the financials. Total income for the Feb came in at $13560.  Total expenses came out to $4636.89.  Leaving a net income of $8923.11.  ESEA members were invoiced out their portion of the street water and street light maintenance reserve.  Several owners still owe for the 2020 assessments.  Statements were sent out in March. Balance sheet shows a total balance of $153,018.59 in the checking and savings accounts. Financials were approved.

Spring/Summer Vendor: Advantage Lawn Care’s contract had been approved for the upcoming season.  They have included additional open space to spray for noxious weeds.


Ground Squirrels: Vendor has been contacted and has Meadow Creek on the schedule to assess common areas in April.


Storm Water: Kyle Mehrens with the City was emailed in February and March regarding doing the assessment on the storm pond at the corner of 30th and Graf. Lot 1 Block 1 was to enhance a storm water area close to their lot, they were to increase it by 30%.  The pond looks to be on the verge of flooding.  Board would like Legacy to email the owner and Kyle regarding the issue. *Legacy emailed the City and owner of the lot regarding the pond overflowing.


Bids: Legacy is working on tracking down bids for crack sealing and concrete replacement at the end of the alleys.

Architectural Review: The house at the corner of Graf and 27th has not seen much movement lately.  Board had given the owner a deadline of April 1st to have the exterior completed.  Owner did communicate with Legacy that he had been working on getting electrical and plumbing completed on the inside so he could pass the City inspection to keep his permit active.  He indicated that it should be approved this week and then can move back to the outside.  He stated the exterior should be done in 3 weeks from that time.  Board would like to still assess fines but are willing to waive the fines if the work is completed in 3 weeks. *Follow up letter was sent to owner regarding fines and finishing the exterior.


Street Parking: Board would like to continue to send notices regarding overnight parking to residents that are reported. This is stated in the covenants. There is still concerns regarding the congested parking along Enterprise.  David Parker had spoken to his friend with the City, it seemed a bit better.


3390 Parkway: This owner was sent an invoice for the ADU and a violation letter for trash cans not being stored properly.  Owner did contact Legacy and indicate he was not aware ADU’s paid extra dues but did not state if he was in fact renting his out or not.  Fines will begin for the trash cans if they are left out.


Lighting District: The City had proposed to include Meadow Creek into a lighting district.  There was to be a commission meeting last week that was cancelled due to the COVID 19 crisis.  City will have to start the process again.  Bruce will talk to the person in charge to get more clarification on the area that will be included and other info. *Legacy sent Bruce Kellen Gamradt’s contact info.


Vacant Land:  There is an area of open land between Meadow Creek and the new subdivision going into the north.  This is privately owned land that there no current plans on for development.


Pea Gravel: Tobey mentioned there was quite a bit of gravel left at the end of Blackwood and was wondering if this could be used for the trails.  Mark stated that it would not pack down enough for trail work.


Clean Up Day: Tobey will draft an email to send out asking the community to still participate in a clean up day, April 22nd, but still practice social distancing.  Board would like to know if the City will still put out the dumpster.  Legacy will contact them. *Waiting for reply.


Violations:  There are a few places that could use a notice regarding fences, siding, and overgrown shrubs on the sidewalks.  Legacy will send out notices.


Next Board meeting: June 9, 5:30pm at Legacy or by phone.


Meeting adjourned: 6:57pm




Meadow Creek Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 6:16pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Mark Koscinski, Ralph Sweet, David Parker, Tobie Laskowski, and Kathi Thorson (lp)

Board meeting minutes from 10/8/2019 were approved.


Annual meeting minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting were approved.

Annual meeting review: Board discussed some of the items that were discussed that required some follow up.


Parking along Enterprise was mentioned as being a problem. They are becoming congested. This is a city street so the HOA has no control over the parking. David has a friend with the City and will mention it to him and see if anything can help address the issue.


Ground squirrels in the common area on 27th became a little bit of a problem later in the year. Vendor will be contacted in the spring to address the rodents. Voles were also mentioned. Nothing really the HOA can do. They are a cyclical animal. The grass will come back.


Storm water area at the corner of 30th and Graf was supposed to of been reviewed by the City storm water person. Legacy will reach out again and find out the status.

The Board elected the 2020 officers. Bruce Parker-President, Ralph Sweet-Vice President, Tobie Laskowski-Treasurer, Dave Parker-Secretary, and Mark Koscinski-member at large.

Financial report: Kathi reviewed the year end financials. Total income for the year came in at $68,968.95, over the budgeted amount. Total expenses came out to $45,796.99. Leaving a net income of $23,171.96. Board approved to transfer $10,000 into the savings account. Balance sheet had a total of $107,510.92 in checking and savings (these include the playground, savings, performance deposits, storm water, and streetlight reserves).

2020 Projects:


Board would like to move forward with some maintenance on the storm water retention areas once the report is given to the HOA from the city.


There is a trail from 30th to 29th that could be spruced up.


The alleys could be crack sealed. The concrete pads at the end of all the alleys are cracked. Board would like a bid to get those repaired. Legacy will get bids. *Started making calls to get bids.


Legacy and the Board will do a walk around once it warms up to determine if other items need to be addressed.

Architectural Review: The house under construction at the corner of 27th and Graf is still moving along, but slowly. Siding seems to be pretty much done. Board would like to ask Wayne for a monthly written report on the status of the project. Board is mainly concerned with the exterior and landscaping. Inquiries from the community have increased. Board would like to send Wayne a letter giving him a deadline of April 1st, 2020 to have all the siding, trim, and windows complete. Deadline of June 30th, 2020 for landscaping. Fines will begin after the deadlines pass. *Letter has been sent.

Ralph noted that there seems to be a lot of overnight parking in the area that he lives. Kathi suggested that he take pictures and email them to her and then Legacy can send out notices. **Multiple notices have been sent.


Next Board meeting: March 31, 2020, 5:30pm at Legacy.
Meeting adjourned: 7:40pm

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