Bozeman, Montana
Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Legacy Conference Room | Noon
Call to order: 12:07pm
In attendance: Bruce Parker, Dick Naumann, Sam Thompson, Laura Miles, and Kathi Thorson (lp).
Financials were reviewed. Total amount in the operating and savings accounts is $140,565.23. Total year to date income is $69,753.06. YTD expenses are $42,086.40 leaving a YTD total gross income of $27,666.66.
Board Officers: Bruce Parker-President, Dick Nauman-Vice President, Sam Thompson-Secretary, Matt Hausauer-Treas, vacant position will be member at large.
Board Options: Board discussed possible candidates for the vacancy. They have compiled a list and will go through and talk with each one to gage interest.
Attorney: Board met with Jordan Helvie with Kasting, Kauffman, and Merson and were impressed with what he had to offer. It was unanimously approved to retain Jordan. Jordan has sent over the fee agreement. The Board approved to sign the agreement and use Jordan for future legal issues. Currently one issue is outstanding with 3390 Parkway. Legacy will forward all the current information on this issue and will review and get back to the Board with a recommendation.
McIntosh Deed: Document was received by Legacy but items were still missing or not complete. Legacy is working with Ryan to get document finalized.
Update for New Board Members: Bruce briefly went over the items that the past Board was working on. Neighborhood Association, Buffalo Run, and the Sign Policy.
DRB: There seemed to be a bit of disorganization with the DRB since Martha resigned. DRB will be contacted to try to get a sense of what they need.
Open Floor: Board discussed zero scape and if that would benefit the HOA. The design documents would not allow for a zero scape. Something like this would mean amending the covenants. Board mentioned sending out water saving tips during the spring/summer.
Meeting adjourned: 2pm
Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Legacy Conference Room | 5:30pm
Call to order: 5:45pm
In attendance: Bruce Parker, Steve Krezminski, Matt Hausauer, Laura Miles, and Kathi Thorson (lp).
June Board meeting minutes were approved.
Financials: Total in checking and savings as of end of August is $148,966.55. YTD gross income is $66,440.05, YTD expenses are $28,522.73, leaving a YTD net income of $37,917.32.
McIntosh Deed: The deed has been sent to Ryan to sign and notarize. Legacy has not received it back at this time.
3390 Parkway: The owner still has not submitted a plan for the trash enclosure. Board would like the attorney to finish this issue out with the owner.
Neighborhood Association: David had been doing all the research before he resigned. Legacy will reach out to David to see where the process stands.
Bylaw and CCR Rewrite: The end goal for this project was to clear up the inconsistencies between the bylaws, covenants, and city ordinances. Board has decided to table this issue.
Attorney: Legacy had reached out to some attorneys mentioned at the previous meeting. The Board felt they were a little green to take on Meadow Creek so asked Legacy to continue to look for another one.
DRB: Martha Koscinski resigned from the DRB. There are still 3 homeowner members and one paid member on the committee.
Community Party: The RSVP date is on September 10th. Bruce volunteered to make a Costco run to get food for the party. Board will supply tables and BBQ’s.
Buffalo Run: Status report was well received by the community.
Streetlights: Pre COVID the City of Bozeman had been looking into absorbing Meadow Creek into the lighting district. This had been tabled by the City. Legacy did reach out to the City and they indicated they had not started to work on this again.
Meeting adjourned: 7:06pm
Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
Call to order: 7:06pm
In attendance: Bruce Parker, David Parker, Matt Hausauer, Laura Miles, and Kathi Thorson (lp).
December Board meeting minutes were approved.
Financials: Total in checking and savings as of end of February is $163,438.68. YTD gross income is $55,633.89, YTD expenses are $5,451.14, leaving a YTD net income of $50,182.75. There are 2 owners that have been liened and have a rather large balance. Board would like Legacy to reach out to the owners by phone if possible and if they still do not pay would like the accounts sent to collections.
Board Officers: Laura Miles was appointed as a replacement for Ralph Sweet. Current positions are Bruce Parker-President, David Parker-Vice President, Laura Miles-Secretary, Steve Krezminski-Treasurer, and Matt Hausauer-Member at Large.
Common Area: There are 2 small pieces of common area on the corner of Graf and 27th that were never put in the HOA’s name after the area was re platted. Ryan McIntosh is listed as the current owner. Legacy has contacted Ryan and he has agreed to sign a quit claim deed to get the property transferred into the HOA’s name. Board has approved Legacy to have the attorney draft up the deed to send to Ryan.
2690 S 27th: The account is current on all dues. All fines have been removed in exchange for the improvements that were made at the owner’s expense along the HOA common space area in the boulevard. The owner and the Board have agreed that the house will be re painted within 2 years a color that is more along the approved paint colors. If this is not done, a $1000 fine will be added to the owner’s account.
3390 Parkway Ave: A letter from the HOA attorney was sent out to the owner regarding the trash enclosure and the fact that the main home is being rented out as the owner lives in the ADU. The owner’s attorney did send a response to the HOA attorney. Board has agreed to have the attorney send a response back regarding the letter. The Board still needs to have a plan for the enclosure submitted for approval. Under the covenants, the ADU cannot be used as the main living quarters for the owner of the lot while renting out the main home. Also, if an owner is using one of the additional properties as a rental additional HOA fees need to be paid for that property. The owner has not paid those fees to date.
Committees: A number of residents did reach out to be on the welcome committee, covenant review committee, and the design review board. The Board would like each committee to communicate with the volunteers to get things rolling. David, head of the covenant review, has proposed that the CCR committee hold off until the Buffalo Run issue has been resolved. Board would also like the current DRB to work with the volunteers for that committee and determine the next steps.
Neighborhood Association: It was brought up that Meadow Creek should join with Southbridge for a neighborhood association. This is something that is ran through the City. The Board felt it could be important to join forces, especially for issues like the Buffalo Run proposal. It was also mentioned that Grand Cielo would be a good neighborhood to include as well. The Board thinks it would be good to table this discussion until Buffalo Run has been put to rest. Legacy will reach out to Southbridge and see if that would be something, they would be interested in.
Retention Ponds: A report sent to Meadow Creek in 2020 indicated some storm water retention areas within the subdivision that would require some maintenance. What work was suggested in the report did not seem overly large. Board will do a walk around soon to take a look at the areas.
Buffalo Run: Since the community meeting with the developers with Buffalo Run nothing more has been communicated to the Board. Laura will draft a letter that will be sent to the City regarding the HOA’s hopes for the area. Multiple points will be included in the letter including but not limited to traffic issues, environmental impacts, and housing supply in Bozeman. Board would like to continue to have meetings with the community to educate and keep everyone in the loop. Board would like to reach out to the HOA attorney for some legal advice on how to move forward legally. Board would like to hold a special meeting for the HOA on March 23rd at 6pm. Board will meet again next week to discuss progress and get an update on status with talking to different members of the community.
Meeting adjourned: 8:41 pm
Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Legacy Conference Room | 5:30pm
Call to order: 5:30pm
In attendance: Bruce Parker, David Parker, Matt Hausauer, Laura Miles, and Kathi Thorson (lp).
March Board meeting minutes were approved.
Financials: Total in checking and savings as of end of May is $68,569.02. YTD gross income is $62,507.57, YTD expenses are $18,809.29, leaving a YTD net income of $43,698.28. 2 owners are still very outstanding. One owner is in collections, the other owner has been contacted and told Legacy they would pay the balance.
Sign Policy: A sign policy has been approved and filed with the County. Board would like it sent out to all the residents. Laura will daft a cover letter to send out with the policy.
Retention Ponds: The worst area is not technically a part of Meadow Creek. For the other areas, the City had informed Legacy that a maintenance plan needed to be submitted to the City Stormwater Office and they will keep it on file. Legacy will draft up a policy for the Board to approve.
Concrete: The Board will approve bids and locations by email. Legacy will send out the bids to review once received from vendors.
McIntosh Deed: The deed has been sent to Ryan to sign and notarize. Legacy has not received it back at this time.
3390 Parkway: The owner still has not submitted a plan for the trash enclosure. Board would like the owner notified that a plan still needs to be submitted and will be fined $50 per month until it is submitted.
Neighborhood Association: The Board is working on getting signatures on the application for the Neighborhood Association. An updated map was presented.
Bylaw and CCR Rewrite: Topics will be assigned within the committee. Martha may be a good resource to meet with since she had put a lot of time into rewriting the documents in the past.
Attorney: Board would like to look at hiring a different attorney for the HOA. Legacy will reach out to the suggested attorneys to see if they would be willing to take on new clients. Board would like to do in person interviews with each attorney.
Covenant Enforcement: Legacy drives through every 2 weeks and sends out notices. There has been negative feed back from 2 owners in particular regarding their campers. Board has decided that if there is a camper violation, Legacy is to let them know first and then they can check and see if it is still there after the allowed time frame.
Community Party: Board would like to have a community party on September 10th. Board will supply tents, meat, buns, and condiments. A save the date will be sent out by Legacy.
Buffalo Run: David and Steve met with the developers and had a good meeting. The goal of the developers is to create a property with multiple rentals, subdivide, and eventually sell it off in 10 years. The site plan was to be submitted to the City on June30th. Matt, Bruce, and Steve plan on meeting with them next week. Board will send out an update after they meet. The hiring of Rick Kerrin is on hold at the moment.
Meeting adjourned: 7:06pm