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Meadow Creek Board Meeting
Via zoom


1. The neighborhood BBQ will be pushed to winter due to weather and scheduling difficulties of doing it this fall. Instead of a BBQ, potentially a fire with s’mores and sledding for children. Krista to bring up at future meeting for scheduling.

2. Bruce to follow up with Benjamin Madison on house project and submitting any outstanding projects to DRB and paying any associated DRB review fees. Also will gauge interest in running for board position in November.

3. Emails to be sent out to homeowners who still need to replace boulevard trees. Emails to go out now, so that there is plenty of advanced notice for people to get the tree replacements scheduled. The goal being that the trees can be replaced before next summer. Legacy to send emails out to applicable homeowners. List of addresses was emailed out 9/24.

4. Dick to work with Legacy on identifying specific areas of trail in need of maintenance and/or vendor evaluation.

5. Two large areas in the open space/natural area are getting weeds (Canadian Thistle). Legacy to have a vendor evaluate weeds this fall before snow comes in order to form a plan for weed mitigation in these areas while we can readily identify where they are. Map with weed locations to follow in another email.

6. We still don’t have an operable DRB website. Bruce to work with Legacy on addressing. Options include the current system/website, Appfolio, or email. Need a way to track and collect DRB review fees and projects.

7. Martha is stepping down from volunteering to maintain the Meadow Creek HOA website. Bruce to identify permanent solution with Legacy.

8. Mark is stepping down from volunteering to clean out the storm water retention pond. Bruce to identify permanent solution with Legacy.

9. No official updates on Buffalo Run development at this time. Once the board is aware of concrete dates of construction or additional plans we will send out an email to the neighborhood.

10. The annual meeting will be both in-person and virtual, in order to provide the easiest access for people. Dick to coordinate with Legacy on procuring a location. Devon to facilitate the virtual setup once location is determined.

New Business:

1. The board will send a thank you letter to Mark and Martha for volunteering their time maintaining the retention pond and website. Sam to procure.

2. The possibility of hearing a City of Bozeman water conservation presentation was discussed. Ideally, the audience would be both the board of directors and the design review board. Legacy to setup for sometime this winter.

3. People have been disposing of yard waste in the common areas/open space. This is not an acceptable use for our open spaces. Sam to draft email to send out with alternative solutions.

4. The website,, needs to have the Board of Directors page updated with correct dates and positions. Legacy to have updated.

Bruce Parker, President - Term Expires 11-2022

Dick Naumann, Vice President - Term Expires 11-2023

Sam Thompson, Secretary - Term Expires 11-2023

Krista Pancich, Treasurer - Term Expires 11-2023

Devon Orme, Member At-Large - Term Expires 11-2022

5. The traffic and on-street parking near the intersection of Graff St and Enterprise Blvd was discussed. Devon to draft a letter from the board to the city with safety concerns.

6. The Bozeman Fiber/Yellowstone Fiber project was discussed. Bozeman Fiber is currently installing fiber optic cable in the utility easements in Meadow Creek. Communication from the organization about the project has been minimal.








Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Via zoom | 5:30pm

Call to order: 5:33pm

In attendance: Bruce Parker, Dick Naumann, Sam Thompson, Krista Pancich, Devon Orme, and Kathi Thorson (lp).

Meeting minutes from the 4.20.2022 Board meeting were unanimously approved via email.

Financials were reviewed. Total amount in the operating and savings accounts as of the end of May 2022 is $167,465.94. YTD income is $61,316.25. YTD expenses are $22,519.29 leaving a total net income of $38,796.96. Board would like to move forward with the foreclosure process on 2 owners that have a lien and have been sent to collections.

New Board Member:  Welcome Devon Orme!

Updates/Reports/Old Business:

Concrete endcaps were completed. Unfortunately, an owner moved the cones and caution tape and drove over one of the endcaps so the warranty on that section is negated.

There are a number of trees in the common space that are set to be replaced.

Vacant lots were all sent notices regarding spraying and mowing. One opted to use the HOA vendor and has already been sprayed and mowed. The others were to be completed by the owners. Legacy will check the lots on the next drive through and if they have not been mowed will send a violation notice and have the HOA vendor do the work and bill the owners back. Vacant lots have traditionally been sprayed once per year and mowed once or twice per season. The current Board would like the lots to be mowed more often. The covenants state that vacant lots need to be kept up to current HOA standards. The Board would like that standard to be shorter all season, monthly until they stop growing. Notices will be sent out to all the lot owners again and made aware of the new situation. If they do not get mowed the HOA vendor will mow and bill the owners back.

Legacy implemented a new software, AppFolio, June 1st. This software will allow owners to sign into an owner portal and see their account history, make online payments, make maintenance requests, and see other important documents. The Board will be sent a monthly Board packet that will include the monthly financials, invoices that have been paid, and the violation reports. It is a work in progress, so Legacy does appreciate everyone’s patience.

The development to the north of Meadow Creek had placed a bunch of stakes on the vacant property indicating that development is in the process. Legacy did reach out to the developers to ask about the fate of the number of mature trees that are on that location. They stated that the current plan is that the majority of the long straight tree line that lines up with 29th will be saved. Unfortunately, the diagonal tree line that moves east towards 27th is not feasible to maintain.

It was noticed that 3133 Parkway has a sauna in their backyard. This is deemed as a structure, and nothing was submitted to the design review. Legacy will send out a letter to the owners asking for a formal submittal.

3443 Parkway continues to have a tire outside of their home. Notices have been sent and they will continue to be sent and fines will incur.

Board would like fireworks notice to be sent out to the community. A reminder that they are not allowed in the common area and to be respectful of neighbors, children, and pets.

So far 24 dead boulevard trees in front of private residences have been replaced. 38 remain.

A letter had been sent to 3390 Parkway regarding releasing their funds that were being held by the court. Nothing has been heard from the owner. Legacy will send a follow up letter.

The City was notified of the deadfall in Ainsworth Park. Most likely it will not get removed.

Tyler Electric had been working on replacing some of the streetlights that were out. Legacy needs to check on the status.

DRC: The current DRC site has not been in working order for a couple of months now. Members are not getting notices when plans are submitted, or comments are made. AppFolio has a process that can be used for design submittals. The Board approved moving to that system. Legacy will let the committee know and get that going. Legacy suggested the Board do a couple “sample” submittals to see how the process works. The current website will be terminated, but not until after documents can be saved off of the site. The webmaster wants to charge a large sum of money to do the work to download all the documents. A previous DRC member had volunteered to pull all the documents at one time. Legacy will reach out to them to see if they are still interested. Otherwise Legacy will take a look at the project and report to the Board what it would take.

Newsletter: Items for the next newsletter-introduce newest Board member, recap Board terms, remind ownership that a new member will be needed in November, new development comment about the trees.

Potluck: The Board felt that the most recent potluck was a success and would like to plan another one. Currently they are looking at a Friday evening in early September.

Open Floor: Dick had introduced himself around the community as being on the Board and the consensus seems to be that people are happy with the way things are going.

Next meeting date: August 30, 6pm.

Meeting adjourned: 6:45pm










Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes


Legacy Conference Room


Call to order: 6:00pm


In attendance: Bruce Parker, Dick Naumann, Sam Thompson, Krista Pancich, and Kathi Thorson (lp).


Meeting minutes from the 1.27.2022 Board meeting were unanimously approved with a spelling correction.


Financials were reviewed. Total amount in the operating and savings accounts as of the end of March 2022 is $177,513.26. YTD income is $57,861.15. YTD expenses are $15,289.47 leaving a total net income of $42,571.68. One owner owes for 2 years, and the Board approved for them to be sent to collections. Two other owners are already in collections. The Board approved to send one final letter giving them 30 days to pay or the Board would move forward with the foreclosure process.


New Board Members: The Board has not had any luck appointing their 5th member. Individuals have been contacted and at least 2 emails have been sent out. Krista knows of a couple of people that she will reach out to. The Board thought that at a clean up day they could drum up some interest by talking to neighbors.


Clean Up Day: Legacy will look up when the next City cleanup day. Board would like to try to get the community involved. *There is a clean up “week” this year. April 23rd through the 30th. Supplies can be picked up on the 23rd. Legacy is awaiting Board approval to send out a notice regarding the 30th .


Attorney: The Board would like to move forward with a letter that was recommended by the new attorney for an ongoing issue that the Board has been dealing with.


Concrete: There are 2 areas at the end of alleys, the most severely cracked concrete areas, which will be removed and replaced. Currently it is scheduled to take place the week after next. Trash companies have been notified and the hope is to have the work done in between the two different trash days.


Variance Request: 3737 S 26th has submitted a variance request to do a xeriscape plan for their front lawn and boulevards. The DRB is typically the entity to grant variances. They have asked the Board for their opinion. The Board discussed and understood the want for this kind of landscape. With the drought Bozeman was in last year there is sure to be more years that are similar in the future. Currently the covenants would not allow the proposed plan. There is not enough green space. The Board would like to ask the DRB if there would be any sort of compromise they would approve. The Board was neutral on the subject. They do plan on sending out more information regarding water conservation that the City provides to residents. The Board was also interested in having the City Drought Manager do a presentation at the Annual Meeting.


Short Term Rentals: A number of short-term rentals have been popping up around the neighborhood. Legacy does have a list and will send notices to each owner. Follow up will take place and fines could be assessed.


Open Floor: There is a vinyl fence going in on the property at the corner of Meah and 30th . It is the type of vinyl that was allowed by a variance at a previous residence. It is unclear if this owner had submitted a plan to the DRB for approval. Legacy will do some research and if nothing was submitted a notice will be sent for noncompliance.


There is also another large house on 30th next to the trail that has a fence going in, the Board would like to make sure that was approved as well.


There was some concern by some community members regarding a property to the north of Meadow Creek and East of Gran Ciello. No plans have been formally submitted as of today, but there has been some movement going on the property. Residents were most concerned about trees being removed. There are a number of trees that are in the southwest corner of the property along the ditches that are home to wildlife. Legacy will send out an email to the developer to ask if there are plans to keep any of the trees. *Email was sent to developer. It has been noticed that there is some tree deadfall in Ainsworth Park. Legacy will email the City to come and remove the debris. *Legacy has emailed the City.


Meeting adjourned: 7:35pm




Meadow Creek Board Meeting Minutes


Legacy Conference Room | 5:30pm


Call to order: 5:35pm


In attendance: Bruce Parker, Dick Naumann, Sam Thompson, Christa Pancich, and Kathi Thorson (lp).

Meeting minutes from the 12.13.2021 Board meeting were unanimously approved.


Financials were reviewed. Total amount in the operating and savings accounts as of the end of 2021 is $138,299.02. Total year end income is $69,591.12. 2021 expenses are $44,164.53 leaving a total gross income of $25,426.59. $15,000 was approved by the Board to transfer into savings for the year end reserve. *Was transferred on 2.15.2022. All of the ESEA accounts have been invoiced. There were 4 owners that had not paid for 2021 dues or 2020 dues. Those owners have been liened and two have been sent to collections.


New Board Member: Christa Pancich was appointed onto the Board and took on the position as Treasurer. One other Board member has listed their home for sale and will be stepping down when it sells. The current Board does have a few more names on their list to contact. *Legacy has sent an email to the first name on the list.


Attorney: The new HOA attorney is reviewing the current legal issue with 3390 Parkway. *Attorney has sent his legal opinion to the Board. Board is reviewing.


Snow Removal: It seems as if the vendor may be missing some common area sidewalks. Legacy will swing through after the next snowstorm to check out areas. *Drive through will happen on February 16th after the snowstorm on the 15th.


Concrete: There are some areas at the ends of the alleys that could be replaced. The Board has reviewed a map and indicated the ones in most need of being worked on. Legacy is working on getting a contractor in place. *Legacy has reached out to 4 different vendors with no luck finding anyone that is taking on this kind of work. More names have been suggested and are being contacted.


DRB: Legacy will reach out to the committee to see if they would like to set up a time to meet with Martha Koscinski to go over procedures and get a better understanding of the DRB process. There is currently a website that owners submit their requests through, and the committee can communicate through. *Legacy has emailed the DRB and Martha for interest and scheduling.


Open Floor: Board would like to contact the city again about the fallen cottonwoods in the median. In the past the city has opted not to do any sort of clean up unless they are across the street or posing some sort of danger.


Board would like a reminder email sent out regarding snow removal on personal sidewalks and give contact information for the City of Bozeman to report any issues and sidewalks that are not cleared. *Sent out 2.15.


Next Board meeting tentatively scheduled for April 14th at 12pm.

Meeting adjourned: 6.47pm

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