Bozeman, Montana
Please refer to the Governing Documents for a complete list of Meadow Creek Covenants and Bylaws
HOA Membership
The Meadow Creek HOA (MCHOA) is comprised of the lot and homeowners within our subdivision. Owners automatically become members of the HOA when they buy a home or lot. When homeowners buy into a subdivision with an HOA their expectation is that property values and their standard of living are protected by a set of Covenants and Bylaws that apply to all residents. For those who have never lived in a neighborhood with an HOA, however, the rules can be daunting. It is important that each owner know, understand and follow the rules (often referred to as Covenants and sometimes called CC&R's (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions). The rules protect your property values, encourage community harmony and enhance residents' lifestyles. The Covenants, Bylaws and other amendments can be found under the Governing Documents tab on this website.
HOA Governance and Management
The MCHOA is led by a Board of Directors--five homeowners who volunteer their time and talents to serve the community. Elections to the Board are held at the Annual Meeting each year. The budget for the following year is also discussed and voted on at the Annual Meeting. The Meadow Creek Board of Directors meet several times a year and HOA members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Meadow Creek is managed on a daily basis by Legacy Properties. Questions or concerns should be directed to Haylee Marston at Haylee can also be reached by calling the Legacy offices at 406-577-1470
Assessments (dues)
In 2025 the annual assessment for each lot, home or rented Accessory Dwelling Unit is $360. It can be paid in full or in two installments--one by January 31 and the second by July 31.
Checks should be made payable to Meadow Creek HOA and sent to:
Legacy Properties
288 West Haley Springs Dr., 2B
Or pay your dues online! Go to Click “Online Payments” at the top of the page. Scroll down the property list to choose your HOA name
*Service charges do apply
Assessment dollars pay for the maintenance of the common areas. This includes maintenance of storm water ditches, trails, sidewalks, the irrigation system, the playground area, the area around the Meadow Creek sign and some mowings of Meadow Creek Park. It also pays for street light maintenance, the utility fees for street lights and the irrigation well, insurance, management fees, attorney fees, and snow removal from common-area sidewalks and alleys.
Architectural Design, Fences and Landscaping
All construction, reconstruction, exterior alteration or remodeling, exterior painting, landscaping, fences, walls or other improvements require the approval of the Meadow Creek Design Review Board (DRB).
House design and landscaping requirements as well as restrictions on all lots can be found in the Covenants in Article V, Article VII and in Exhibit E.
All landscaping (and irrigation) is to be installed upon the completion of a house or as soon as weather permits, if construction is during the winter. In any event, landscaping and irrigation systems are to be completed within 18 months of the approval of house plans.
If you purchased a home and landscaping was not included in the sale OR if you wish the make substantial changes to your landscaping OR if you wish to add a fence on your property, you must submit your plans to the DRB. This is done by completing the attached form and submitted to with the appropriate fee, if applicable. Please refer to the DESIGN REVIEW TAB for complete design review information.
Fences cannot be higher than 5' (feet) EXCEPT for homes located on S. 26th or homes bordering the open space between Parkway, Golden Sun and S. 26th. These fences have a 4' (foot) height restriction. In addition, fences along S. 27th must have gates. The finished elevation of a fence should be exposed to the adjacent property or street.
Front yard fencing is not allowed. Rear yard fencing cannot extend past the mid-point of the residence and garage.
--Homeowner Landscaping--
One of the goals of Meadow Creek is to enhance the natural surroundings of the subdivision by the planting of trees and shrubs on all lots. Each homeowner is required to install landscaping--sod, trees in the boulevards adjacent to the house, four additional trees on the lot and shrubs. All lots are required to be irrigated in their entirety.
--Boulevard Trees--
Owners are responsible for installation of sod, irrigation and street trees in the boulevards adjacent to their homes. Trees should be placed in boulevard strips at a maximum of 25' between trees. All lots must have a minimum of two (2) street trees and corner lots must have trees on all street frontages.
--Lot Trees--
All homes are required to have four (4) shade trees on each lot (in addition to boulevard/street trees).
Trees are recommended to be of 2" to 3" in caliper and between 3' and 6' in height. Consideration should be given to the mature size of trees so that at maturity the trees will not grow onto neighboring properties. Species should be indigenous varietals and appropriate to our local climate extremes.
--Mulched Beds--
All homes are encouraged to have a meandering 24" to 36" wide mulched bed around its perimeter to reduce water and mowing damage to the siding as well as for an enhanced appearance. Mulched beds should have shrubs planted every 3' to 4' on center based on mature shrub growth size.
--Vegetable Gardens--
Vegetable gardens are to be placed in rear yards only with no growing of any type of vegetable in the front or side yards.
--Please assess the landscaping on your lot--
Do you have (enough) boulevard trees?
Do you have an additional four (4) trees in your yard?
Do you have sufficient landscaping around your home?
--Yard and Lot Maintenance--
**Regular and consistent mowing of ALL yards and proper disposal of grass clippings.
**Weed control in ALL yards and beds. (Please keep wildflower beds "tamed")
**Consistent irrigation
**Regular and timely pick up and proper disposal of all pet waste
**Proper weeding/maintenance on other side of fences (if applicable)
**VACANT lots must be mowed and treated for weeds.
--Recreation, Sports and Play Equipment--
Recreation and play equipment is to be placed in rear yards. Consideration should be given to the Lot size, equipment size and design as well as visual screening. Basketball backboards should not be attached to any structure. Plans will be reviewed by the DRB with consideration as to location, size, impact and noise.
Meadow Creek is located within the City of Bozeman. Therefore, rules governing pets fall under the City of Bozeman ordinances as well as the Meadow Creek Covenants.
ALL DOGS (regardless of size or breed) MUST BE KEPT ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES when off an Owner’s property.. This is a City of Bozeman Ordinance and a Meadow Creek regulation.
It is the RESPONSIBILTY of all dog owners to insure that ALL animal waste is picked up on their own property as well as when their dog is off their property. Dog waste should be disposed of quickly and properly. If you are walking your dog(s) through Meadow Creek, please be sure to bring bags with you in the event your dog defecates on private property or in a common area and kindly clean it up promptly.
Meadow Creek Park and Enterprise Park are NOT off-leash dog parks. ALL DOGS must be kept on a leash in the parks, on the trails, on the roads, alleys and sidewalks. For a map of City of Bozeman off-leash parks, please go to:
There are dog waste stations in both parks and along the trails. Please pick up after your dog.
Please be respectful of your neighbors. Do not allow your pets to roam freely off your property. If you know your dog(s) to be barkers, please do not leave your dog(s) outside for long periods of time. We ask that you be mindful of any nuisance barking and bring dogs inside if their barking is disturbing the neighborhood.
To report nuisance barking, a dog off leash or other animal concerns or complaints, please contact the City of Bozeman Animal Control Officer at 406-582-2000. If an animal control officer is not available, the call will be forwarded for handling at a later time (non-emergency, on-going problems) or a police officer will respond to handle if it's an emergency.
· Please have a detailed description of the location or address, giving your name, address and phone number.
· Providing the license plates of dog owners who leave the area after an offense can also be helpful.
· Please visit: for more information.
Snow Removal
As a courtesy to your neighbors and in compliance with MCHOA Covenants and the City of Bozeman snow removal ordinances, please remove snow from your sidewalk within 24 hours of a snowfall.
Please do not deposit snow or ice on or against a fire hydrant, roadway or curb.
After a snowfall, all vehicles should be removed from the streets to allow snow plows to clear roadways.
Snow removal from the alleys and HOA common area sidewalks is provided by an HOA contractor. Snow removal from the sidewalks adjacent to the Parks and City-owned sidewalks is provided by the City of Bozeman.
Garbage and Recycling Containers
Trash, garbage, recycling and grass clippings/yard refuse must be kept in sanitary containers and screened or concealed from view of other dwellings, street frontage and common areas.
Garbage, trash, recycling and other refuse containers must be stored in an enclosure such as the garage.
Containers should be placed on the street curb for pick up on collection days only and removed that day as soon as possible after collection.
Failure to properly store trash, garbage, recycling and grass clippings may result in a fine.
Political Signs
At the September 15, 2020 Board of Director Meeting, the following policy with regard to political signs was implemented: Political signs (either for a candidate or an issue) can be no larger than 18" x 24" and must be taken down the day after the election. Signs cannot be put up earlier than 60 days prior to the election. No more than one sign per candidate or issue.
Sheds, Garages, Temporary Structures
No additional improvements, including (but not limited to) garages, storage units, sheds, previously erected used or temporary structures, mobile homes, trailers, cabins, RV's, outbuildings or other non-permanent structures may be installed or stored on any Lot.
Miscellaneous Unsightliness
Clothes lines, service yards or storage yards are not permitted. All Lots and improvements on them must be maintained in a clean, sanitary, attractive and marketable condition at all times. No open storage of building materials (except during the construction of a dwelling) is permitted. Open storage or parking of farm or construction equipment, boats, campers, camper shells, trailers, trucks larger than standard pick-up trucks, inoperable vehicles, accumulation of lawn or tree clippings or trimmings, accumulations of construction debris or waste, household refuse is not permitted.
ADU's, Transient Lodging/Short-Term Rentals - Leasing
Homes are to be used for residential housing purposes only and shall not be rented in whole or in part for transient lodging purposes. No short-term rentals are allowed. AirBnB or other temporary vacation housing is not permitted. Boarding Houses or "bed and breakfasts" providing accommodations to travelers is not allowed. Leases on any dwelling shall be for a period of NOT LESS than 180 days. At NO time may any person stay or live in any type of camper, RV, trailer or other temporary structure on any Lot.
ADU's may be rented (for a period of not less than 180 days) when the Owner occupies the principal residence. The principal residence and the ADU cannot be rented simultaneously. If an owner is renting an ADU, two assessments will be applied to that Owner. If you are renting your ADU, please notify Legacy Properties immediately. [email: or call 406-577-1470] Failure to report a rental may result in a fine.
Owners are allowed to lease their property. Prior to leasing the property, tenants must receive a copy of the Covenants. A copy of the lease agreement should be provided to Legacy Properties. It is the Owner's responsibility to ensure that the tenants are abiding by all the rules and regulations of the HOA. If tenants fail to comply with the CC&R's, the Owner will be responsible for any and all fines, liens and costs caused by tenants.
Automobile, Vehicle, RV, Camper Parking
Permanent, routine or overnight parking is not permitted on the Meadow Creek streets. All automobiles shall be parked in their respective garages or on the driveways leading to the garage without blocking the sidewalk. No parking on the grass, side or rear yard. The total number of vehicles permitted on any Lot shall not exceed the number of spaces available in the garage or driveway.
No boats, rafts, trailers, vehicles larger than a standard pick-up truck, tractors campers, RV's, motorcycles, ATV's, snowmobiles, etc. shall be parked or stored on any Lot except in an owner's garage (out of view from other homes and the street). NO parking shall be permitted of these vehicle types on the public right-of-way (streets/alleys) at any time. Boats, RV's and campers may be temporarily parked on a driveway (without blocking the sidewalk) for no longer than 48 hours in a seven (7) day period for the sole purpose of cleaning, loading and unloading.
Street Lights
The street lights in Meadow Creek are maintained by the HOA. As the older sodium vapor lights burn out, they are being replaced with more efficient LED lights. Since 2014, more than half of the lights have been refitted.
Please report street light outages to Legacy Properties: or call 406-577-1470.
Meadow Creek Trail System
The gravel trails that meander through Meadow Creek are MCHOA common area and are maintained by the HOA.
In 2017, the HOA spent over $15,000 to improve portions of the trail system. Additional improvements are also being planned. PLEASE: NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES OF ANY KIND on the trail system.
If your property is adjacent to a trail, and you are performing construction or landscaping work, all attempts should be made to keep construction vehicles off the trails. Owners will be held responsible for any damage done to trails caused by their contractors.
The City of Bozeman Fire Department requires that Meadow Creek take steps to reduce fire hazard from dry vegetation such as weeds, grass, vines and other growth. To that end, MCHOA contractors mow a swath of approximately 10’ wide to remove tall grasses near combustible fences or property lines in the common areas near the wetlands area.
We ask residents living in that area to properly dispose of their grass clippings and weeds.
An approximate 5’ swath is mowed along the gravel trails
In the winter, Meadow Creek can experience vole infestations. To eliminate voles, it is recommended that mouse traps be set next to vole holes. Traps do not need to be baited as voles eat only grass.
According to Gallatin Valley Sod Farm, voles do not like barriers. It has been suggested to walk around the perimeter of yards where snow is receding and lifting off the grass. Crush and pack the snow around the edges with your boot. This creates a barrier and prevents the voles from going deeper into the lawn.
Fines: Failure to abide by the Meadow Creek Covenants may result in a fine