Bozeman, Montana
IMPORTANT Fireworks Notice
As of June 2, 2023, the sale and discharge of fireworks is PROHIBITED in the city of Bozeman and county enclaves.
To report illegal fireworks activity, call our area dispatch at 406-582-2008.
Bozeman City Commission passed Ordinance 2134 on May 2, 2023, which prohibits the sale and discharge of fireworks in city limits. It also prohibits the discharge of fireworks in county enclaves, which are areas wholly surrounded by Bozeman city limits.
This does not apply to handheld sparklers.
Handheld sparklers are the only firework allowed to be sold or discharged in city limits.
What happens if you're caught selling or lighting fireworks?
Anyone found to be selling or discharging fireworks shall have their fireworks confiscated, is subject to a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, subject to a $500 fine.
Meadow Creek HOA would like to remind homeowners of a few important items
to keep in mind this winter.
The City of Bozeman requires that sidewalks be cleared by homeowners or tenants within 24 hours of snowfall. It is a hazard for those using the sidewalks when they are not cleared. Your neighbors ask that you please clear them in a timely manner so they are safely accessible. You can report homeowners that do not shovel their sidewalk so the City of Bozeman compliance officer. (406) 582-2300
Parking on the street causes danger to drivers and the plowing company as they cannot safely pass. We ask that you please park your vehicle in the driveway or the garage, off the street. The City of Bozeman prohibits extended street parking . You can report vehicles using this link:
We appreciate your help keeping the roads and sidewalks safe!
2025 Annual Assessment
The annual assessment for 2025 is $360. This can either be paid in full by January 31st or in two installments of $180; one installment of $180 paid by January 31st and the second installment of $180 paid by July 31st.
Checks should be made payable to Meadow Creek HOA and sent to:
Legacy Properties
Or pay your dues online! Go to Click “Online Payments” at the top of the page. Scroll down the property list to choose your HOA name
*Service charges do apply
Dogs off leash
A friendly reminder to dog owners to please keep your dogs on leash at all times and cleaned up immediately after your pup does their business. Also, Meadow Creek will be installing new leash signage at each of the dog bag stations.
There seems to be many dogs off lead and doing their business and humans not cleaning up after them. We understand it is getting cold outside, however, we still need to be good neighbors and keep the neighborhood looking nice year-round! It is also important to understand that not all dogs and people like when an off-lead dog runs up to greet them. Many dogs react aggressively when an off-lead dog runs up to them, even when they are a well-behaved dog normally. Please be respectful of others and the Meadow Creek Covenants by cleaning up after your dog and keeping them on lead.
The following are designated OFF LEASH areas within the City of Bozeman:
Cooper Park
Peets Hill/Burke Park
Gallatin County Regional Park (in designated area)
Bozeman Pond (in designated fenced dog park)
Snowfill Recreation Area
Thank you for being a mindful pet owner and keeping the neighborhood clean and free of pet waste!
City of Bozeman Leaf Pick Up
Subdivision Guidelines
Collect your leaves in paper compostable bags. Please do not use plastic bags.
Before the scheduled pickup date, place your paper compostable bags on the boulevard (aka the space between the sidewalk and the street. Meadow Creek pick up is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1.
Core Guidelines
Watch for NO PARKING STREET CLEANING signs. Please clear the street for the day so our crews can clean up.
Rake your leaves into the gutter no sooner than the weekend before your scheduled pickup date.
If you have any questions regarding this project please contact the City of Bozeman at 406 582-3200
Legacy Properties has moved their offices!
They are now located at 288 W. Haley Springs Dr., 2B - Bozeman, MT 59718
Spring 2022 Lawn Newsletter
Just a few reminders from your HOA!
Lawn Maintenance and Weeds

Oh summer, we love you, but we don't love the weeds that come with the warmer weather and sunshine! A friendly reminder to all homeowners that all lawns and weeds need to be maintained on your lots, whether your home is built or the lot is vacant. This includes front yards, side yards, back yards, alleys, driveways, gravel/zero-scapes, etc. We will be doing drive thrus to make sure all lawns/lots are being maintained and weeds are being controlled. We are happy to recommend vendors for lawn/lot maintenance and weed spraying if you do not want to do this yourself!
Dandelions are not considered to be a noxious weed, however, they are classified by the State of Montana as a nuisance weed. These are considered to be unsightly and need to be controlled by homeowners. If you prefer to grow dandelions for their medicinal purposes, please plant them in a designated garden bed or flower pots.
Architectural Changes
Remember that any changes to your lot, home, fences, major landscaping, etc, needs to be approved by the design review committee. Please contact Alyssa Durkee with Legacy Properties for the forms and design review requirements for your HOA!
Trash Cans
Trash cans need to be stored in your garage or behind an approved enclosure all days except pick up day.
Campers, Recreational Vehicles, Etc
Recreational season is approaching fast! Campers, trailers, boats, any type of recreational vehicles, are not allowed to be stored on the streets or in your driveways except for loading and unloading purposes per your covenants. Please reach out to Alyssa Durkee with Legacy Properties with any questions regarding this.
Your community appreciates your cooperation!
Meadow Creek Snow Removal
Happy Snow Day!
We just wanted to send out a quick reminder regarding snow removal in Meadow Creek.
All of the City Streets are plowed by the City of Bozeman. We ask that you try your best to park all cars in your garages and driveways so better snow removal can take place.
Sidewalks bordering your personal residence are also required to have snow removed within 24 hours of the snow fall as per Bozeman City Code. Owners are welcome to issue a complaint to the City directly if sidewalks are not being cleared. The link below will take you to the City of Bozeman snow removal page. This page contains phone numbers and emails to contact for any issues, among other useful information.
City Of Bozeman Snow Removal Webpage
Common area sidewalks are cleared by the HOA vendor. Sidewalks around the City park areas are cleared by the City.
Thank you for your patience while dealing with our Bozeman weather. Have an amazing day!
Political Sign Policy
For the purpose of this policy, a political sign is either a sign which identifies a candidate running for elected office at the local, regional, state or national level who is on the ballot in either primary or general election in the next scheduled election or it is a sign indicating a position on an initiative, referendum, or levy which is slated to appear on the ballot (primary, general or otherwise) in the next scheduled election.
Bear Activity in Meadow Creek
Dear Homeowners,
In April 2021, a bear was sited in Meadow Creek Park. Please exercise caution and take extra care that your trash is not attracting bear activity. Thank you!
This notice is a friendly reminder to dog owners to please keep your dogs on leash and cleaned up after. This leash enforcement includes the friendliest and most well behaved dogs as well as those still learning.
Thank you for your understanding that some residents may not be dog lovers and that even the sweetest of pups may cause legitimate fear issues in your neighbors.
Trash Cans - Collection Days
It has been noticed that a number of owners place their trash cans out the night before pick up. We are asking that you please wait until the morning of pick up to put your cans out. Our neighborhood sees some wildlife traffic (black bears, raccoons, foxes, etc.). Having garbage out at night attracts critters. If they know they can find snacks at night, the area could get frequented more often. The covenants do specifically state that trash is not to be put on the curb until the day of pick up and put away the same day of pick up.
We truly appreciate your help in keeping our community safe and a great place to live!
Weather is getting nice so kids, adults, and pets are out and about. Now would be a great time to remind everyone to be thoughtful with your speeds in the alleys and streets of Meadow Creek. We have had some concerned citizens report that people are driving too fast. Your community appreciates your care!
Just a reminder, dumping of grass clippings, dog waste, etc is not allowed in the common areas or on any vacant lot in the subdivision. Let's keep the neighborhood looking good!
All automobiles shall be parked in their respective garages, or on the driveways leading to the garage without blocking the sidewalk. Not vehicle or automobile may be parked at anytime other than the driveway or in the garage of any lot. No parking on the grass, side or rear yard will be permitted. No permanent, routine or overnight parking shall be permitted of automobiles or vehicles of any type on the streets at any time.
There shall be NO PARKING or storing of boats, rafts, trailers, vehicles larger than a standard pick-up truck, tractors, campers, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, ATV's, snowmobiles, etc., on public right-of-ways, including alleys, at any time.
All pets must be kept on a leash at all times when off the owner's property. Please pick up after your furry friend! There are dog pots along the trails, use them! Your neighborhood appreciates it!
Campers, Recreational Vehicles
Campers, trailers, boats, etc, are not allowed to be parked on the city streets and are only allowed in your driveway no longer than 48 hrs in a 7 day period for the sole purpose of loading and unloading. If you know your camper is going to be parked for a short period of time, please contact Legacy Properties so they are aware.
Changes to Exterior
Any changes to the exterior of your home needs to be submitted to the Design Review Committee through their website, Changes include fencing, additions, major landscaping, and paint colors.
Basic Covenant Reminders
-Accumulation of wood, debris, random items is not allowed on the properties.
-Lawns need to be well maintained. Mowed, watered, and free of weeds.
-City of Bozeman does not allow for parking in the streets over 48 hours.
-Trash cans need to be stored in the garage except for on trash pick up day.
-Snow is to be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours of a snowfall. Please do not dump snow in streets or alleys.